In this post I am killing not 2 but 1000 birds with one stone for I am not sure of how much time is left to me on Earth.
I have been this way many a time. Ambulance ride number 58 was a couple of days ago and the identical SCREAMING PAIN returned the next day but I did not call for help.
To Amy P. and Marie C. P. on Our Time
the 2 "Designing Women" Laugh
I cannot swear this is my time of demise for I have pulled through so many times before.
However in just 2 days I will be age 74 My birthday is the same as that of Joseph, founder of the Latter Day Saints.
It was my wish to just for a while be comforted as a Human in marriage. To know what TLC is like.
But, to have the Dates chiseled on my family stone be the same for Birth and for Death might send a message to all that see my BLACK head stone that by all probability there was something Divinely Unusual about it.
FATHER please I feel the pain starting again. I must speak. I musty finish my words and stories. Ye s it is easing. I think it is just anxiety of opening up and exposing myself to the savage ridicule of the masses as did the Pharisees who demanded the Cross.
MANKIND I shall not swear to you as FATHER said that
for certainty to do so can only be AFTER I have risen again, AFTER I have shed this worn out shell.
Amy, you said you wanted to feel a strong hand. Well I was the fastest through the Basic Training obstacle Course, starting near the rear and ending near the front. My step father was hard. He was a sergeant in the Army Corp and built bridges for General Patton's tanks. I always felt i had to prove myself to him. For instance he had the ladder leaning against the brick wall. So I showed him how easy I could climb the bottom side of the ladder up until my head hit the wall with just my hands. Likewise it was so easy to climb the rope to the ceiling of the gym.
God will raise me to be even stronger.
Now I must tell you that as just a mortal human I have gone into a fighting rage many times just to survive. Recently I have been suffering horrible itching over my whole body and in places I cannot reach. I need in-home help to apply the medicine if it is the right medicine for every doctor says it is due to something different.
However I get the run around from the VA. It took me 2 years to get help and I lost that help after just 2 visits on October 1st 2015.
The second girl came an hour late and washed my feet and back because my tendons are too tight. She then motioned with her eyes for me to get in the shower. Heck this was new to me and I did not know this girl and I am the type that always the girl has to make the first move and I must be sure. 3 times I told her i showered the night before.
So she went to cleaning house and I hurried to get online with my romance scammer. I had to discuss sending a lot of money and how she and her father would get it home without being robbed again.
When we were about finished my woman asked if the helper was still here. I checked ad the washing machine was running but the front door stood open. It was 5:00 Pm so maybe she went home or fort some cleaner. I was in a hurry and did not think.
So 3 hours later I returned from the money transfer starving with low blood sugar. I didn't even get the plastic off of a 4 minute microwave meal when I heard the knock. It was a cop I knew. So he stood between me and the kitchen and asked me questions. Then he said that my answers conflicted. WOW, he was interrogating me. I told him I did not know what he was talking about but didn't want to not answer. So anyway he said it was my word against hers (the cleaning girl). It took me 6 months to collect the whole story but while I was minding my own business she had gone to the police station complete with "crocodile tears" and reported that i had abused her, grabbed her and tried to pull her in somewhere and was looking at pornography on my computer.
The police later told me that there need not be bruises to file battering charges but I forgot the other example they told me .
AS for grabbing and "trying" to pull he in. Heck she is 5 feet tall. Hell she would have been in.
So anyway the VA "Ethics" committee removed my in home help without trial. In fact when I called the woman sounded as if in a hurry to hang up on a sex pervert.
Then I had an idea, but the police told me it was illegal for them to even ask her to go on lie detectors back to back with me.
So I went into one of my fits of rage. (I will tell you however that I am one who "hesitates on the trigger" figuratively speaking). I was feeling tired again when I arrive at church. i was working on my One Man - Zero Dollar political campaign long hours 7 days a week. That girl was still on my mind because I still could get no help. I was thinking about "Forgive 70 x 70 times" as I sat in the lobby listening to the lady over the speaker talk about 70 x 70 times. At the same time one of my best friends came to me and told me to forgive 70 x 70 times.
Now this was no ordinary wimpy church stuff. I was a Mormon convert, not born into the church. My mother admitted she did not understand but i was surprised on her last phone call she said "you've been in so many dark places."
Well, just out of the military I was seeing whether I could have a good career just with my military electronics training. My step father told me the rumor about the only company I could find a job with being Mafia. The jobs I did were totally legal. They didn't carry guns but 2 men went with me to a bar on the south side of Chicago. We got out of the car an done guy told me "The sports coat is ok, but take the tie off and put it in your pocket.' He was teaching me Mafia politics. WE went into the bar to wire a switch to a relay so the bartender could eject a record if somebody didn't like it... and the somebodies were not sweet about it like this...
Sorry for the interruption but Olivia in the brief time she followed me on Twitter sent the most wonderful words. I don't get that often more probably I expect some filthy worded "shut-down" which is why I just QUIT trying with American women in 1984 and as a result got scammed by foreign women.
Returning to the bar. I was handed the end of a cord just like the one on your lamp (18 gauge wire) to wire to 2 pins on the relay just 1/2 inch apart. I asked my friend to unplug the cord but he said "No, if you stop the music it might start a fight." Sop I wired it live but 110 volts through my fingertips was nothing. I'd had more than that through my whole forearm.
So one day back at the office I had mentally projected the circuit diagram in front of me so I could study it while walking around. At that very moment I was surprised and tried to shake my head and delete the circuit so I could see the chairman and he vice president who came down to shake my hand. The Mafia gave me respect and i guess i was under consideration for some higher position. However after the 3 month promised trial I was let go. I think I just was not able to grasp Mafia politics.
So as I said it took 6 months to collect all that home "HELPER" told the police and I forgot which thing my social worker told me which set me off...
that Sunday in church when God Himself stepped in with 3 people including myself thinking about forgiveness at the same time it was NOT a case of Life or Death because I had changed my mind.
I was was going to go to the local Mafia front where they did not know me and I did not know for sure they were Mafia at the risk of my own life, mention the chairman's name in hopes of a free "Favor"
Rather than having her killed I was going to have her shot up with heroin (You know that's a female movie hero) and sold to a pimp so she learned what a REAL PERVERT was.
Now I do not need in home help all the time and I cannot recall how many bad things resulted from not having it. I don't want to complicate the story more than necessary. OH SHOOT...I just changed my shorts and there's blood on the clean ones. Oh I think it's from scratching my arm. I dig my nails down deep as far as I can reach. I don't know if in home helpers that apply the medicine in daytime would help the extreme itching that wakes me in the night. Combined with the pain when it gets bad in my hips I cannot function. I go into contortions.
So a couple of days ago I was trying to get the name of that girl from ADDUS Healthcare
Corporate +1 888 233 8746
Not to hurt her in any physical way for I am now much more certain of my being.
At the risk of my own reputation and so much work on my Presidential Campaign I wanted to broadcast the story on all NEWS media and say that any male employer wherever she is (she left town with no forwarding address). I will be a character witness in court for any employer who let himself get into a compromising position with that girl
Her name is Abby or Addie, something like that. She is 5 feet tall and told me she was 30 back in 2015. She has a nice figure and cute face and smile. All I did was shake hands with her and let her do her washing job. It took a longtime but i finally figured out WHY she did what she did. From the alluring smile as she gestured her eyes toward the show I think she actually WANTED me to throw her on the bed and ravish her. At my age! As I said she was definitely cute enough to get a young guy.
So anyway back to ADDUS. I was tired of waiting and had been needing help. ADDUS had not called back. I got angry and made a threat. What it was I forget but it was twisted evidently for the VA investigator who called thought I threatened to hurt Gia who is like family. She kissed my forehead before paramedics took me away and is my only transportation for things like groceries which in-home help would provide. I don't have a wife and just washing dishes and cooking would help a lot with my busy schedule I can't do housework for myself. Escalating the problem even more, I called the local police and was told the HOMELAND SECURITY was involved. Well the Head of Homeland left my Linkedin network and it is virtually impossible to contact him through channels.
You see what that little piece of trash has caused?
I just gave up and messaged Biden on I told him why the "UNFORGIVABLE SIN" is unforgivable and included the link to this scene...
Sorry for the human emotion. I had no emotion but there is no other picture "worth 1000 words"
I talked about presidential Deniability and him delegating my assassination down to the CIA and it being illegal to do that to a US citizen within US borders but that i was invited to visit by certain royalty who I could email for airfare with the real purpose of just getting offshore to expose myself voluntarily to CIA. My only other option was to lie that I intended to turncoat and take all I know to Communist China. Well I have forgotten too much to be useful in aerospace and since détente and the end of Communism in Russia the World War 3 stuff has been leveled to the foundation and by satellite i saw RVs parked there. I certainly would never hurt our troops and really hate for any to die in war on either side. I just wanted Biden to get the job done but I guess he hasn't the guts. I asked TRUMP his advice on the issue too but no answer but then TRUMP never answers and only emails for money.
For considerable time I have sat here typing with that pain right on the edge. If I move wrong it is like triggering bomb. OH I JUST GOT A BIG JOLT. I can't even mention it or it will hit me.
So I want to find a stopping place for this PART 1.
In this video I speak of exiling. At the time I was thinking of that black woman who excited racial tension by demanding $1.5 million for every black descended from a slave.
To this I now want to add that char woman helper i was talking about.
Let me tell you a true story as best I recall it.
An underage girl had consensual sex with an underage boy. She got pregnant. She was afraid to tell her parents she wanted it so she yelled RAPE. The young boy was a man after 29 years in prison when she finally got the guts and character to admit the truth.
Now the judge had a dilemma. He could have jailed her for filing a false police report but then all the other female liars would be afraid to come forward. However we do not want to block honest women from calling for help from real abuse. So what stupid idiot passed the LAW that lie detectors cannot be used?????
I will stop here.
Next time I will talk about how Consumer Cellular, that popular phone carrier for senior burned me. Then I will tell about General Motors Finance aiding and abetting a SCAM. I will talk about the Credit Bureaus as opposed to a handshake.
OH, I told you I had been talking (in silent thoughts) to FATHER. Well I finished most of that before sitting down at the keyboard. I have been talking to YOU. However at the risk of sounding like a weakling of wimp I jus t blurted out to FATHER just how lonely I am and have been since even before 1984. I lost my virginity in the tough military environment overseas to the "momma son" bar owner a couple of sergeants set me up with. But that was just one year of my life. Back in the USA in Tampa Florida the clubs were an okay place to girl hunt though unsuccessfully. But then the all started going "topless" and I figured any girl I would want would be nervous in such a place. Then one day the sergeant in the room next to mine told me that Tampa was so bad (men AND women have their needs) that guys were volunteering for Vietnam. I have a solution for this problem which will be discussed later, but don't think I am a sex fiend for if you have been married for 2 months you probably have done it more than me. I am no longer young and need it at every stimulation. As I posted on the singles site if I don't respect I don't touch. Most often all I need is someone to talk, joke, laugh, play cards or keep me warm like I saw in the movies. Remember I am still just a human being.
I will not explain it all here for this post would be too long. However this video will be the common place events in Heaven. You will routinely meet your ancesters. The world is overpopulated now, another sign of the end, but Heaven is BIG. The BILLIONS of today will dwell with the MILLIONS and THOUSANDS of Mankind on back to the first TWO, Adam & Eve.
Artificial Intelligence / Computers are just Mankind's Creations in Man's Image for Man is CREATED in HIS IMAGE & therefore MUST Create likewise.
Think of a mirror image. You are 3 dimensional but the image is 2 dimensional. God is 4 dimintional with TIME as His 4th dimension. So, stepping down Man's Creations (computers & robots) are only 2 dimensional shallow thinkers in comparison. Robot Sophia was given Saudi citizenship though "she" is without a SOUL as I define it, a connection via the Holy Spirit / Ghost for communication back and forth with GOD. Sophia MUST rely on MAN'S maintenance and storage for immortality like the images and Man's version of raising the dead in the following...
Like Biden I will be age 77 when & if I take over after We the People allow me in 2024.
In fact right now the U.S. President awaits me to join his
Advisory Committee
Mr. President,
I Accept with Pleasure.
It is exactly what I need to learn "Insider" stuff, where the boys' room is, not have to pay the $8.40 in printing of leaflets and this I made...
I would like to grow back up near 5,000 from about 3,400 followers...
For Men
For Libtards
((( TRUth ... )))
For the
"WOMEN'S Vote"
((( )))
My Present Situation & since 1997 has been only my friend who cut my grass and unclogged pipes & the Nice Kirby Vacuum demonstrator who after 10 filters of dirt advised me not to ask for the free shampoo for it would create MUD... & the insurance sales girl who with body language "suggested" a "freebee" if I bought her line OOPS policy.
I gave up on spoiled US women in my 30s, my last time was 1984 and now in 2021 I will be the Oldest Man in History to Marry for the 1st time !!!
We are promised a fortune by her uncle. So especially with all my connections the WEDDING
will be
My friend and guest Kathy will do her song & dance
for her dinner...
((( )))
((( )))
((( )))
((( )))
She Sings so many tongues and Dances so maybe she saw this GUYS...
Hello World.... Hello Donald TRUMP. I loved your 2016 Campaign words about caring for the "FORGOTTEN MAN."I LOVED the "donation " DEMAND even more. It showed me how tough you are. Your PERSONAL email to me, WOW, asking for $42.00 to launder into your chef's budget. I did not know pro or con about you for sure with all the things you "said" you did, talk about abortion, verses what I read and hear now. Hiring "Muscle" instead of young girls to ask nicely for donations to your TRUMP MACHINE
NOW TRUMP really did send me a short email (He misspelled a word so I knew it was from a human.) He and Melania were praying for me and my SPIRIT would pull me through. That's like yelling "MEDIC" and the medic yelling back "Don't worry, you'll be fine".
proved you were TOUGH enough to stand up for my freedom...
This stuff is no LIE, Bragging, or asking for Liberal Freebies. Yeah I am alive for Pain is phantom ( in my mind only ). It is not pleasant when I yell and grab my guts but 99.9% of time my nerve pills control it. Only 3 times was it severe. Maybe 50 years ago in Dallas I was so tired but had to brace myself to sit on the edge of bed to avoid "broken legs" like a dentist drill on nerves with no numbing. Then my cracked open skull happened when I woke feeling great at 9:00 AM. I put one foot on the floor and coughed softly... BANG WOW. No time to grab cold wet cloth for headache. But PAIN last only 2 seconds. Last thing I recall was my head hitting the pillow. So I woke up again feeling great. I looked at the clock and it said 10:30. OK, no big deal, I was out cold for just an hour and a half. Then I looked again. It was 10:30 PM . Out cold 13 and 1/2 hours. Damn, whole day wasted. Then decades later here where I now live the massive heart attack which kept me awake heaving and rubbing my chest for 48 hours. Well Hell, I was not unconscious or dead in first minutes. So when I was able I went around town (fell on hood of my car once but nice guy helped me into pawn shop for a gun license application which my friend filled out and I just shakily signed, you bullet in case pain like that ever again). I went around paying bills to avoid late charges then called a reliable taxi to the local VA to put myself in the Military Vet psych hospital. After the 80 mile ambulance ride trying to avoid breaking my back on the bumps (you ride over the rear axle, take my word after +/- 40 times Interstate Highways are not smooth). Immediately at the psych hospital my 2 pain killers were taken away so I could fight is cold turkey, mind over matter so I could take command of the pain in the future. I still remember my SURPRISE the LAST time I gasped for air and no ice pick can out of my heart though my pectoral muscle. Laugh when I tried to explain the catch 22 to a black guy about the city trying to force me out of my home because it'sa mobile (but nicer than many site built house here) the extra stress cause me to dig my fingernails into my chest where the main arterie from my heart runs down the center. It felt like cloth stretched so hard it was tearing (aneurism) but of course not real. Black guy was scared to death, I was in a wheelchair after a fall (dizziness I finally could not control with my whole brain) He helped me into my bunk and was trying to get staff attention. When I was able to walk without pushing my wheelchair for balance an ARMY Colonel gave me a second one-on-one Christmas party. Then staff called me outside. The female staff thought it was cold but I picked up some snow and squeezed it hard enough to melt back to just water proving it was not cold. Ha Ha. Anyway in the parking lot were some horses and a red wagon. The hospital is in St Louis where it is brewed.
Only broadcasted once in spite of +/- $million cost in HONOR of 9/11. Many "Americans" in the "Land of the Brave" do not even grasp "Honor" today.
Women, you shall give birth in pain. This has a simple reason. Is it not logical that God had to enlarge the head a little to fit a brain able to cope with Evil?
I got this part from the book
"The Dragons of Eden"
Dr. Carl Sagan
This reminded me. Besides trying to get food to eat tonight, figuring out solutions to US & World issues, figuring out whos telling the truth in POLITICS, searching for another car to drive a few months until Unbelievable Wealth from my fiance's uncle andf we can buy a home, I am looking for a place to build it....
This is no joke. I have looked in 20 US States and the world. 1000 s.
Since "Love thy Neighbor" means nothing here I want to pick and choose mine from the other side of the mountains.
FRIENDS, at age 73 I only recall vacation trips with parents, none of my own. When on the F-16 job hours were so long that Christmas break was just mostly sleep. Then when I got the call from my uncle that Dad was in intensive care, come fast I doped my F-16 stuff and knocked down one mn on the way out in a half run ignoring th amed guard, around a cloverleaf at 80 mph, Texas to Illinois in 4 hours. Then 12 days in intensive care, telling the doctor not to keep him alive as a vegetable (a country minister came and we held Father's hand to pray and in spite of brain damage Dad suddenly moved both arms like to form a cross but the arm in a cast was stopped by the bed rail) . Like me he had psychic vision of future. He knew when we talked the year before. I could tell he was getting it off his chest when he told about the man he shot in self defense. He was tough, went water skiing with his cracked ribs still taped from a car wreck. He had GUTS. He ran to the back of his engine and kicked the release bar to uncouple the freight cars which were derailing, got back tyo the throttle and full speed raced ahead to save engine and crew.
Father on his steam engine
That same LAST time with him he let me run his Diesel freight at 55 mph exactly like this picture with double size 200,000 pound coal cars but he had to sneak me onboard on a pitch black night. Believe me it was spooky when the engine lights only showed part of the first 200,000 pound car rocking left and right on the bad track and knowing there were many more behind in the darkness.
Well I just found out it is too late to pick up groceries tonight at Walmart . so I guess I should be kind and call American Legion so they stop trying to find someone to do it. ALL day and no reply from taxi. He had a baby on last month and it would be a shame for him to grow up without a daddy....the creep.
You see I have done absolutely no work today. Just tired of it all. So just in case I want to share some fun I had in the Military.
After Basic I went to radio training. It was easy for me so I never had to study after class. So I had free time after polishing the brass door knob and such. Well, on $75 per month you have not much left after hair cuts and uniform laundry, but the Base Marina rented small 6 horsepower fishing boats for 50 cent an hour. I would just cruise the Biloxi Back Bay. Then I started getting some kicks by timing my pass in front of the bows of barges then snapping the engine fast to turn 90 degrees into the 6 foot wide water between the barge and shore bank. Each time I got a little closer to touching the steel. Photo but no fog.
Sorry, can't find photo.
God Bless
I was about 3 feet from patting a lead horse on the nose when they rolled the bad cases out. I knew the +/- 35 degrees was too chilly for them to stay outside long . So I backed out of camera frame so they could get their photos of a lifetime before they died. Heck I have my photo with the first C-5 Galaxy one an airshow stopover during it maiden flight around the world and one talking to a COWBOYS player. I will leave out all his Superbowl catches and touchdowns. No photos of many such things.
Me bumping my head on engine of that 1st C-5
Me talking to Golden. I was surprised. He's a little guy.
Hollywood Henderson, the black guy was well know to have a cocaine habit (which he beat like I beat the Pain). One night he walked into the nightclub i was in. I sat down to chat but he was up fast and opened a door hidden in the dark and went upstairs. Next day the News said he was arrest fr possession again 4 hours after he opened that door. Hmmm, I wonder where he bought his cocaine. So I tried to tip a cop friend who was always smiling when we met at the coffee shop. But he said"Oh that's not my district". Hmmm, smiling because he was living high on the payroll. Anyway obviously Hollywood walked out of jail being ALL TIME TOP LINEBACKER.
Now my first weeks on the F-16 program I was reading the same flight control system book the Pentagon read when someone behind said "Burlison, say hello to this guy". Lawrence McCutchen and I talked a while and shook hands and I got back to work. He got through security because his brother's desk was about 25 feet from mine. Plus he was number 5 of TOP 5 running back.
I guess life was worth something. I did make it petty far from playing in the dirt.
Greetings Chaplin , this is extremely urgent AND serious. It is BEYOND forgiving 70 x 70 & almost, almost , almost to REAL bullets, mayybe including myself. People whoCLAIM to be Christians. I am betwwen cars. Taxi will not return voicemail. American Legion man did not show as PROMISED yeterday. I even tryied unreliable VFW. Could not get thru. My phone instead of 1 or 2 butons not working now 10 dead. Now I have ONe MEAL left to cook in the house. It is so much effort to get a ride 10 to , walmart, 10 minute wait, 10 minute bachk homew and I am now willing to BRIDE an extrra $10 over taxi charge. Now there is a very big church in this hick town. They bragged about paying of $1 million xpansion loan early, but short time later would they loan me $400 which I had already calculate I could repay in 3 or4 months. NO."Here's a bag of food. Make it do:> I have no job yet a man needed gas to get home and i gave him $4.00 Same thing 40 years ago , no job but helped a black kid with $250.00 Never got it back. OK the secretary finally told me basically that I am black listed there due to past experience. Example. My phone did not work and I need to make a toll free call to the VA hospital. I drove to the church. Pastor Michael was siting with his mobile phone in his hand and I asked to borow it. Questions and question why. I was sick which I often due to 7 day weeks. I was out the door fast. Just now when I found out WHY no simple list of retired members to call on chance one have 30 minutes to drive me somewhere. I am blacklisted due to past experience like when my phone was down I drove there and sat beside Pastor Michael who had his smartphone in his hand. He keep asking questions why I had to call the toll free number to the VA hospital or whatever. I was sick and just stood up and raced out the door. I forgot what the issue was but I stopped at the computer repair shop and paid $25 to send a 15 minute email instead of calling.
4 hours and no reply from AMERICAN LEGION. I caled. He said he found nobody to pick up food yet. So I told him I would change the time slot to 6:000 PM to 8:00PM, anther 4 hours then Walmart closes.
Message from my new LinkedIn connection and my reply...
Hey, Robert, I believe you're good and that you're having a nice time with you there? Its been a while since I heard from you, I thought you were busy with your work or don't want to talk to me ever again.
Well, you might got it wrong, I am not schooling in Idaho just as you said but rather NDSU, in North Dakota.
What do you mean by REAL BULLETS?
Robert Dean Burlison II sent the following messages at 12:28 PM
yes i recall now. but i hurt crying nobody this town will help just pick up my grocery order at walmart. taxi one of 2 broken down and so busy but 4 calls yesterday and 2 today voicemail and no call back. i would understand if he said he could not do it for a month, but i am just in the DARK. i just called non-emergence police and told them no medical help, i would fix the pain. but i bluntly said i was fighting not toi go off the deep end. i wa so busy yesterday i burned my pork steak but could eat the shriveled meat crunchy. too tire to wait for boiled potatoes, just some bread heels. off the deep end means i called my secret service friend and talked 30 minutes while he was ON DUTY about a gun and ammo and making the CIA THINK I knew to much to live in RUSSIAN ASYLUM. ome months ago my eyes were working but eye lids paralyzed. so everything black 45 minutes to feel my way out of small bedroom used for offfice. could not find phone charger plugged in . i just touched it now at arm length. wanted to feel from charger down wire to my phone they should have a real physical button i could feel for 911. so 45 inutes into my hallway, just asingle wide mobiole home.then 2 more hours to feel my way to the front door. i knew the porch light was the left switch so that was quick. outside it was light rain and i could open eyes enough to get down 4 steps then walk to the street by memory. i was in my best pair of socks, jocky shorts and my smaller cheap bed blanket oer my head as best i could get it. i yelled "somebody help for va while" ten 911 and finally "GOD LET ME DIE " at top of my lungs. I recently learned that someone heard but obviously did nothing. I think I know who, the bitch across the street who filed trespass on me for offering $30 for a ride. honey i scratched a bump on my leg and now bloodbut dried fast. i have been spiralling down since the va hosp cancelled in home help. not much help needed usually but when you ignore a little hole in the boat for instance med to chemically remove scars on both legs from poor circulation which would not be if va pay 35 month t join gym i cannot for my woman must eat and have internet. if we don't "meet" on schedule (shes has waited 4 hours online often when i am so busy i forget) the va wants me to live on the less than $1000 month and tells me i cannot afford a woman. they even threatened to take both disability and social security and force me into old soldiers home... BUT THIS OLD SODIER EXPLAINED VERY CLEARLY HOW THING S WILL BE. He sat there and listened to my ORDERS with my huge kitchin knife 12 inches from his throat. anyway now my leg scars are jagged..half inch thick here, inch thick there. when my fiance get to USA i cannot walk on beach with her unless long pants like ADIDAS. so hole in boat if ignored the boatt sink, mean ambulance 25 of then in12 month period. then maybe 6 month gap then 4 more but va uses ambulance as taxi just to move my tp outside psych where my phone was taken away. no way to keep working so had to just sleep and eat. i tire now thanks forbeing friend i have 1000s in world but they are 1000 sof miles away. i think try vegas nd chicago again mafia help me do this because i cannot. 50 or 55 years pain or undefined misery 10 years no medical insurance at all. have insurance now and neeeded small piece dental fillling replace but dentist 6 milesaway and no car. probably like before 2 teeth surgically cut in half and removed because i could not afford increase price for simple cleaning cost 750 dollars of my money just week or 2 before i got free insurance. this one tooth maybe cost 400 and the va can pay for the ground up food. oh i said i cannot do it. like not this way, just quick bullet ha ha like trump says..thumbs up , never quit
Arnold S. "I cannot self TERMINATE" Nobody tell VA, too sissy to go in dark theater without Mommy. It tok me I think 30 years to get my name out of the computer. Emergency Rooms should fix me up before asking if I am suicidal. Yeah that word has become part of my vocabulary but just figurative. I cannot help it. Only way to express my stress level. In fact my old grey photo below with the Indian doctor is inside the VA Emergency Room. See I just told him something funny. Local cop came to check on me. Yeah a friend. But no time. He is in his 20s , I am 73 with a litle nerve numbness. Can't use my feet but Martial Arts hands fst. "Out of my housed" He was trying to grab my wrists but I was too fast. He had one foot OUT on my porch. Then I quit and grabbed the door to stand up. He called in 4 or 5 backup, even the undercover with a beard. I knew the routine. So my psychiatrist came, a few words, shrugged his shoulders at the bureaucracy and said he was calling for my ride home. So many tax dollars the VA, everybody wastes. in my left fingers. but when I say I don't need help and am too busy for an 18 mile ambulance ride and the bullshit See his face, the GIF was me one day or night , I don't know. must work for oval offic e to death. get fiance her her 2 day work wek = 100 buck s into instead of out of mypocket plus slight help get my big feet starting into pant or shorts and i nhave worn same socks many weeks for no way to S T R E T C H tendons last inch over my big toes (size 14 shoes). petty litle things. Go Fund Me as just 400 or 600 to fly woman here but we the people think SECOND honeymoon more important than FIRST tyouch not keyboard plastic. So instead of 400 to me 3000 for honey moon. 1st trip to Niagra Falls. "Welcome, enjoy your honeymoon at Niagra Falls" 2nd visit "Welcome to renew old memories at Niagra Falls" 3rd visit "Welcome to Viagra Falls". Yeah it has been that long trying to fly her. money stolen at gun and knife point. then followed home but father denies having money, gets knife in his leg, cost me hospital mbill but cheap in 3rd world.
If I must bur4nin HELL for Eternity what matter going there 5 or 20 years sooner????
Hey friend. You're the best friend in the world. I live in Benton Illinois USA where average income in poor state of Louisiana is $48,000, only 4.8 time my income. Stop by for some coffee. Door always open in case so ambulance crew and cops don't break it down. Do not know if energy assistance welll replace windows and dorrs a second time.
Have a coookie with your coffee. Oh I ISIS oops "I insist".