OK, I have a question. The Bible says that there shall be made an image of the Beast that it shall even talk. Am I the ONLY one who understands this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y3XdwTa1cA OK the image(s) if they are the robots ALL learn together what any ONE learns. Do you not think that the "Beast" does not learn it to? OK the Beast is the main computer, right? No ultimately the REAL Beast is the MAN in charge. But if he is just a man how can he be SATAN??? This is what I am seeking to know. Lucifer being Spirit MUST POSSESS different MORTAL bodies GENERATION to GENERATION as they ago. But Lucifer Himself is ageless Spirit only. God too is Spirit ONLY but Lucifer was cast out from God's Spirit. So the question is where does Lucifer's Spirit reside? The Bible says He was cast to Earth. This is what I am thinking on among many other things. The REAL HUMAN is NOT Lucifer for a Spirit cannot become matter (no matter what) . Being born rich he was not tempted as Jesus was tempted by Lucifer in the Wilderness. That income from patents and soul ...OOPS I mean SOLE ownership for RFID chips were an idea that came to him NOT from Spirit God but from Spirit Lucifer. The HUMAN actually wants to be good and THINKS he IS doing GOOD. In fact have you seen any shops open up to sell RFID implants other than in Sweden? NO, he is not making money yet. So far it is all expense. However, like all businessmen he must eventually make a profit. The same was done to Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Bezos. I am not yet sure about Elon Musk except his plan to colonize Mars is mislead. These 5 are the TEAM, the 5 FINGERS of Satan's HAND. They do not know that they are but PAWNs in the BATTLE between GOS AND THE DEVIL for YOUR SOULS. What I wish to do is RELEASE the 5 MEN, Physical MEN. Without them the DEVIL IS HELPLESS without a hand to grab souls. Now Satan in the "Garden" sold His con job to Adam by way of Eve that they might have the added Knowledge of Evil. A little GOOD can bring a LOT of EVIL. For the cost of a soup kitchen no Court could find a jury to convict Al Capone. So likewise maybe a little EVIL can bring a LOT of GOOD. Hmmm??? YES. Biden has a LOT of GOOD ideas but has he not brought a little EVIL to accomplish them? TRUMP is NOT the ANTI, NOR the CHRIST. You have heard of the RISE BEFORE THE FALL. Well, in Mafia terms TRUMP IS THE FALL GUY. NOW, for you technical types. The difference between the Physical Realm and the Spiritual REALM is how MEMORY, be it data or program EXISTS. In God's MIND EERYTHING works LOGICALLY the SAME AS IN ANY COMPUTER OR DIGITAL DEVIE ON EARTH. The PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE DIFFERS (Based on DNA) but it is still logic. So let's represent a tiny speck of God's MIND with a memory chip (any size). The difference in the Spirit Realm is all the ones and zeros are held in place (EXIST) WITHOUT any MATTER. There is NO CHIP, just the TRUE and the FALSE. They are held like the disruptions of iron filings on a sheet of paper with a magnet underneath. What those "filings" are are particles of ETHER. WHY the Michelson-Morley Experiment failed to find ether popped into my mind 3 times, but I never had paper to write it down. They are simple reasons based on vacuum genesis.. So, once the 5 human hosts to parasite Lucifer stop cooperating SATAN is helples. Those ones and zeroos, trues and falses held in the same ether as a radio wave once it leaves the antenna cannot enter into the physical memory of any computer of device. It can only enter the mind of a MAN to make the MAN program in the ones and zeros SATAN wants. Once those 5 fingers of SATAN come over to our side all their creations from the TALENTS GIVEN FREELY BY GOD become just TOOLS, MARVELOUS TOOL< BUT JUST TOOLS AND ROBOT SLAVES TO DO OUR DRUGERY WORK.

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