I think soon I must sleep and heal of this life that I may gain power to FORCE TRUTH into the WORLD. Only then, After EVIL is removed can the NEW WORLD without ORDERS come to be.
FATHER gave you the tools that allow you to SEE His works in this way, but they are only tools MODELED from His own MIND NOT to be WORSHIPED and only Graven Images in 2 dimensions which may only appear as a 3 dimensional god.
I shall teach you as I am enlightened by Parables AND as trained in MAN's ever increasing understanding in Analogies . But first must come the test of your loyalty to what MEN created in their image or to FATHER who CREATED MEN in His Image that they also create but at a lower level. Things of MANKIND are as children's toys, but in fact YOU ALL ARE His. Do not make your FATHER throw you out of the house.