"Something Wonderful is going to Happen"...Something NOBODY TALKS ABOUT

A Movie was made About the Future which Included 

Image result for pan am logo

It was the Sequel to the movie 




Image result for 2010 space odyssey title

The transfer from the 2010 spacecraft to the 2001 spacecraft... BREATHTAKING

END Scene from original 
2001 A Space Odyssey
(I will include my thoughts on TIME at the END of this post )

So, like every FUTURE projection   such as the book "1984"
there is always some BIG 
In this case Pan Am
went out of business before we could build a Space Station.
Image result for pan am aircraft
Then came
Image result for pan am aircraft
Image result for pan am aircraft
Then came
Image result for pan am aircraft
Image result for pan am aircraft
Image result for pan am aircraft
Image result for pan am aircraft

Image result for pan am aircraft

Pan Am
built the industry but 
Image result for pan am aircraft

Image result for pan am aircraft

It is sad to see something like this die... and BRANIFF's beautiful artwork too.
Image result for braniff aircraft parked

Think of the time and effort it took some of you, 8 years of Elementary School, then 4 years of High School to actually learn what element are, the 4 years of college or more = at least 16 years in order to work for 40 years gaining all sorts of experience and memories  which die off in senility long after your athletic body went to pot.

What is the purpose?  

NOW the MAIN Post begins...

this Politician WILL because I have GUTS.... SEE ?
Image may contain: one or more people and people sittingImage may contain: one or more people
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This KID probably has no time to cut the grass, but wouldn't you love a Son like him unless you are ALSO a teenager ?
OK NOW, for Comparison there are these Doh Ray ME Doh people. Why did I leave out Fah ? Political Correctness.
1. There are 2 Doh s which they like because Doh = Dough = Money & it ends with ..Give " ME Dough "
2. They are likely NOT Anti-Abortion but are Anti - Fah... ANTIFA.  Image result for injured by antifa     Image result for injured by antifa
Image result for injured by antifa  Image result for injured by antifa
If they went back and passed middle school they could earn enough to move out of home.
However it is NOT really funny. Being a "movement" means they want YOU to FEEL for them...... and this poor old guy REALLY felt them.
How Norway handled ANTIFA.
Image result for german mercenaries in american revolutionary war   Image result for german mercenaries in american revolutionary war
OPTION : History records that during our Revolutionary War for Independence German Mercenaries were hired. Well I doubt we could find Germans today but RUSSIANS. Just a Coincidence that Russian Mafia dresses just like ANTIFA except for masks.Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor Just 10% of ANTIFA gets a cut on the outside of the arm away from arteries. They would be changing bandages for a while but the scars would go away in 5 or 10 years. This would definitely "Impress " the rest of ANTIFA. However if they go underground it would be BAD for they are a TERRORIST Organization. A President can declare WAR for 90 days without Congressional Approval.. However if the CIA were again sanctioned to assassinate they could not do so within US borders. So, let's look at ANTIFA not as TERRORIST but as CIVIL WARriiors. They even want to have SLAVES..You, Me and the rest who are not ANTIFA..  REAL Mafia "Muscle".  will do what they are paid to do and not what told not to do unless in self defense or a little "pissed".

COME ON   have some GUTS

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OK now it's time for my thoughts about TIME sent to me by God to explain Himself and how YOU fit in...

Robert Dean Burlison II
December 25, 2018 at 8:34 PM
THINK on this Greek Ruin which may have seen 1,000 Sunrises since the photograph.
It is not the ruin in my mind. I still see a tiny (Goddess of something) ruin with half of a pillar's capstone laying on the ground where it rolled to a stop. So, WHEN did it break off? Last week? Would you pick it up and place it on the side or step around not disturbing it like your grandparents did on their Honeymoon. In fact it would have tumbled further on the curved surface if men had KNOWN the Earth Round.
"I AM THAT I AM" the Alpha & Omega. Yes even GOD had a beginning (Alpha) by vacuum genesis and he Created His Children as companions out of ALL He had, His own substance. Decades ago people were saying "God is dead".(probably the first to say it really is dead). If God dies that is the OMEGA for ALL the stars and US and even our memories and Histories because vacuum genesis has a reverse called "POOF' =all gone like Einstein's E=mc^2 after the chalk board is erased and washed black again like EMPTY space.
Heaven too is in God's substance, His memory. SIN in Heaven is like a DEADLY virus in Heaven or inside God's mbody. It would KILL GOD just and it ripples thru Earth causing murder and war. However killing God as I said above would kill all or us, the "Church". Today we celebrate Jesus because he IS also the CHRIST liaison from God who came to learn of Mortality in order to stand between US, we sinners by sharing His personal experience before God the Father and the Judge. We should begin to calll God "FATHER" & Jesus CHRIST "LORD" to lessen confusion of Jesus being both. Jesus was both in the sense of having the SAME MIND. That brings in the Holy Spirit (explained in my eBook) which exist only as the union of MINDS, not just God & Christ but all of us Christian and other thru our Souls. Having a Soul means being able to communicate in the Spirit but God hears you much better than you hear Him.
ETERNITY is Sacred for it is God's LIFESPAN & Our Own even if in Hell which too would go POOF if God went poof.

If you have a scientific understanding my eBook with a FREE preview may give you thought patterns like mine.    However only God can give the hints and clues to solve a Prophesy correctly.




then click "BOOKS" in left, vertical menu.
then type the title into the search bar.    

It took 5 YEARS of DEEP Concentration to write just 260 pages.

I finished it in 1989, lost Faith, then copyrighted it in 2007.
so called "SCIENTISTS" are claiming to have proven God.    All they did was add or ecomplex but still Circumstantial Evidence that would NOT stand up in Court.

I DID NOT claim proof of
God,,,,ONLY REAL PROOF of it being FEASIBLE for God to EXIST as a Natural Part of the Universe.

I will END with this

I am trying to WIN the 
U.S. Presidency
in 2020

YES because I know how to be a good HEAD 
How to


So, what do you think of my LOGO ?



Well YES.   America still leads the World in Space, invented the automobile & assembly line production of it, has the +1 country code because it invented the phone, invented the logic CHIP, invented the computer ( YES the first computer was not the UNIVAC but rather as belt of wooden "cards" with holes which "programmed " a textile machine to weave complex designed over and over.).

So, YES America Wants to remain the TOP INFRASTRUCTURE in spite of having the Eagle Mascot just as the Fallen Roman Empire had the Eagle

Image result for roman eagle

Image result for roman soldiers with eagle standard"

Image result for roman soldiers with eagle standard"

Image result for trump the lion  king

Image result for roman soldiers with eagle standard

Image result for roman emperor augustus   Image result for emperor trump portrait

Image result for roman emperor waving at soldiers MUSSOLINI in ROME
but that's all PASTA

Why U.S. Infantry has more MIGHT
to throw things
Image result for roman soldiers with eagle standard    Image result for roman soldiers with eagle standard



The SHOCK FORCE Infantry


Image result for roman soldiers with eagle standard

So, will there be a perpetual
Image result for trump the lion king

Well NO.

Revelation always Dumbfounded me.
So I ignored it as meaningless.

However God brought me INSIGHT.

Notice the singular & plural are pronounced the same ?
Could something similar have caused a slip-up in the translation from ancient text ?

So,  it becomes so OBVIOUS,
2 Beasts have 2 Heads

Image result for trump the lion king

has probably already been shared completely with the 
Why ANTI ?
Because he belongs to the 
Rejects CHRIST as the 

His Wife has Converted to the same Sect.
She is a BLOOD member of 
being prepared  to be the 
First Woman President.
In addition
has already given High Clearances  and authority to the  Anti-CHRIST

So when this happens
(a "Wound to the HEAD" of State)

Image result for trump the lion king

"There will be tears and nashing of teeth" by Donald's 
Worshipers & Supporters.

Image result for trump the lion king  

However a GREAT Monument will be built and things will quieten down as We the People imagine that things are as they were with the Anti-Christ  continuing  MAGA.

Image result for trump as roman emperor

Hey, I did not make this just for my post.  Someone else, in fact many had / have it in MIND.

Subtotal SUMMARY

1. THUMP was Elected by We the People and thus the KEY that opened the door for the Anti-CHRIST.

2.  Trump has shared his future wishes on MAGA with the Anti-CHRIST & Delegated his elected POWER to his un-elected  Son- in-LAW.
Therefore though one Beast HEAD will be dead the second HEAD of State will manage fine.    
It is as simple as replacing a broken computer  and transferring data from the old to the new with a flash stick.

3.   The TRUMP DYNASTY could already last for 35,45 or 55 years...
Image result for ivanka trump holing baby

Image result for ivanka trump holing baby

When I was still a SUPPORTER 
Ivanka invited me to see the 
Baby President for 2055.

The baby was about to cry until 
Ivanka tickled his chin saying 

Then I had dinner in the White House private quarters.
I said 
"Hold the CAVIAR.  Dinner with the TRUMPS is Honor enough.  I will Relish mine.

4.  More images

The 1st Lady President 
carved from IVORY
Image result for ivanka trump holing baby

She floats in the bathtub

If TRUMP really meant to 
"Protect the Constitution to the best of his ability",     Zuckeberg  would have been in Prison long ago.
But NO, ZUCK is CORPORATE Society.

Image result for roman emperor augustus

Yet another Eagle

Image result for nazi eagle

OOPS,  I thought it was ROME again.

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History Repeats

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Party Buster HITLER
visits a 
Image result for hitler saluting color

Attention TRUMP Worshipers
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" You're FIRED " Loser,
" America Loves a WINNER "

Image result for trump family in trump tower

Those of you old enough to remember the movie,
have your not noticed the similarity ?
Image result for barron trumpImage result for barron trump

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Image result for movie damian movie the omenImage result for movie damian movie the omen

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always surprises me with the exact image I need right in front of me. Thanks for the Help God.

The caption to this photo is 
" TRUMP will START the END of the WORLD claim EVANGELIST   "
INDEED the REAL Anti-CHRIST is in it too.

Image result for movie damian movie the omen

This too was not made by me just for this post. 
So others are with me... I am not crazy.

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The young HITLER
That OMEN again !

Image result for adolf hitler angry speech

Ivanka TRUMP at age 16
Image result for ivanka trump young

You know
"Beautiful W-OMEN are a Dime a Dozen"

Now it's TIME for U.S.
You & Me.

Image result for kids raising hands

Remember TRUMP said


America = U.S. A. = U.S. = us

YES "us".  Seems sort of Self-Centered to me.

Now as I have said before my wish is 

"AMERICA First & then the WORLD... the 3rd World "
After I repair our infrastructure we will have the strength to hold the chain that pulls up the THIRD REICH...oops THIRD WORLD.

Currently I have only a plan for the African Continent .    The USA will change Africa to the CSA (Confederates States of Africa).
YES Irony is FUN.

There is wealth in Africa today yet primitives still remain.  It is my intent to educate the primitive up just to a skill level worth 5 dollars per hour instead of 5 dollars per month.   After that they can advance themselves just as our Pioneers did
Image result for pioneers american frontierImage result for pioneers american frontier
Image result for pioneers american frontier
DOLLAR a DAY & Beans

Image result for pioneers american frontierImage result for pioneers american frontier

Image result for pioneers american frontierImage result for pioneers american frontier

Some EDUCATION that wouldn't

Notice how the large wagon wheels cuase the axles to be high.

Wheel when the Pilgrims looked WEST they saw a fearful Forest full of unknowns.
"ROADS" had to be cut through the forest which meant chopping down trees.

Well, they did not have bulldozers to remove stumps  and chopping trees at ground level tires you fast.   I know.  I did it once.

So the rule was to leave the stumps no higher than 18 inches.   Any higher and a wagon axle would hang up  and the driver would be "STUMPED" and unable to figure what to do.


Image result for pioneers american frontierImage result for pioneers american frontier

Now, from the few dealings I have had with African people  (not scammers) I am sure they would be Loyal to those who helped them and 
"Buy America"
with the extra money of the new $5.00 minimum wage.
Image result for pioneers american frontierImage result for african mud huts photos

1.   American windows and doors for African mud huts would result in this...
Image result for african mud huts photosImage result for african mud huts photos

Mud Huts are already advancing though the material is still  mud.
American architects, framing , light bulbs, refrigerators, microwaves, electric cars custom designed in America for local conditions, needs and budgets.

But, where do they get enough electricity for all this?

From a U.S. built Nuclear Power plant.
Remember it's now a Confederacy meaning a loose association of States.    Therefore the Power plant need not be built in the Politically safest country or State, but in the GEOLOGICALLY safest place.    I we can replace Uranium with Thorium the nuclear reaction will yield no end product that can be used for a Nuclear Bomb.     So SECURITY would be easier.

2. % dollar manpower from the poorer States could END poaching of endangered animals.   Small spotter planes borrowed from the Confederate  Air Force would assist the poaching guards on the ground carrying American made radios and other necessary things.

Africa needs no jet fighters or tanks   or warship for there is no History of invasion.  The need only an Army about triple the strength of the largest current Army.   It's job would be to enforce elections especially in corrupted countries like Ghana  (the GOLD COAST) which should be rich since it still has much gold left to mine.
Image result for ghana gold mines
Image result for ghana gold minesImage result for ghana gold
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Image result for ghana goldImage result for ghana gold
Image result for ghana gold
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Image result for ghana gold jewelryImage result for ghana gold jewelry
Image result for ghana gold jewelryImage result for ghana gold jewelry
The Ruby is likely from wealthy Tanzania.
Image result for ghana gold jewelryImage result for ghana gold jewelryImage result for ghana gold jewelryImage result for ghana gold jewelry
Image result for ghana gold jewelry
BUT all is not well.
The Chinese are mining illegally in Ghana.
Not all mining is mechanized
Image result for ghana gold mines

Workers die
Image result for ghana gold mines
3 killed in this one
Child Labor
Image result for ghana gold minesImage result for ghana gold mine deathsImage result for ghana gold miners drowned

   Gold mine collapse
Image result for ghana gold mine deaths
Underwater Gold Mine
Image result for ghana gold miners drowned

So, I wish to change this by raising the standard of living there an dgiving up menial jobs here for more skilled jobs.  It will raise the World to a new kind of "Gold Standard"

WOW, I just now found this man.    That is how the Lord helps me right when in need 
I must contact him.

Teaching them won't be as hard or expensive as you think.   For a 5 dollar skill level we need not teach Civics or History.   They only need to know how to work with chemicals safely.   Physics is not needed and only Arithmetic is needed.   Then the employer can teach specific skills for the job.

A friend is already doing some of the education for us.

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Image result for crown  prince of dubai with african childrenImage result for crown  prince of dubai with african children


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  Please bare with me.  I have only a smartphone to type/typo. Also I asked my friend at the election commission to delete me as a president...