SORRY. I have shared this 50 times and only have 3 hour to sleep as usual.
Moving the PRESIDENT (who works for FREE, Ha ! ) & the Presidential FAMILY
https://youtu.be/MqjhFAmvB8A MORE COST
https://youtu.be/BNWXMnLRbew TRUMP works for FREE
Well, their are a few others that I care about but you don't know them and I won't tell you. So you need only protect the DAINTY most POWERFUL MAN IN THE WORLD and his First Lady. If she travels to our personal home alone which she would rarely we cant RENT a chopper at our expense and have just 4 Secret Service agents. No ring of snipers looking for enemy snipers because of rifle range. Also the protection is NOT for some loan NUTT Case like Hinkley who shot Pres. Reagan. The President might have 1 or 2 ISIS enemies and even China might see it convenient to remove TRUMP after has ne Trans-Pacific Agreement..
YES, we need a Military, but at $8 TRILLION per year ? I propose to cut that. A troop who spends 20 years on Active duty retires at 50% of his highest rank pay. If he remains active another 5 years it only increases to 55%. Perhaps 1/4 of the Active career could be reitred early with 50% at one rank higher (a freebie). Perhaps 2 ships could be removed from our Aircraft Carrier flotilla when in the Middle East (no escort ships at all when the carrier is in the Middle West) because unlike Russia and China the Midle East has no submarines.
MORE COSTS for PERSONAL BUSINESS travel. The Dubai man in white with glasses is I think Sultan Ahmed Masha, the first from Dubai to "friend" me on Facebook. Dubai has plenty of security. Donald's boys were their to open another TRUMP golf course, "Holy Ground" complete with 18 real holes.
YES I TOO HAVE POTENTIAL BUSINESS / Royal Family Partnership with Dubai. However I need only go if the Crown Prince did not fully grasp my plan to cut rent for foreign (Americans included) workers. My 2 business plans requiring $2 Billion ready Capital for "just on time delivery" are both in America. This benefits Americans with jobs and Dubai is able to DIVERSIFY investment for when it runs out of OIL.
Plan 1. Affordable and more desirable luxury retirement homes for US Veterans and maybe First Responders.
Plan 2. A NEW American Automotive corporation radically different with probably 60% of the workforce American. to be increased to 90% after foreign luxury Bentley, Laguar, Rols Royce workers Train US workers and retire.
Plan 1. Affordable and more desirable luxury retirement homes for US Veterans and maybe First Responders.
Plan 2. A NEW American Automotive corporation radically different with probably 60% of the workforce American. to be increased to 90% after foreign luxury Bentley, Laguar, Rols Royce workers Train US workers and retire.
YOU are seeeing and almost hearing this on video. As President why could I not see the same in a video looking at the product instead of TRUMP's face ? The CEO can fly commercial to the White House to brief me (I am an engineer and can grasp the whatsits and do hickies (assembled by women), ZERO Air Force One cost.
Low volume because armor plating is NOT just steel (It's TOP SECRET). So a President has enough clearance but no "NEED TO KNOW". The Pentagon takes care of that need. So, how much did the pep talks and photo cost YOU ?
Another unneeded Air Force One trip, BUT this time it is Political Campaigning at YOUR EXPENCE. I do not have money fro a "day trip" unless I sleep in my car. So you finally SEE what I am up against.
https://youtu.be/Wd0KFlyu75k I plan to make America 100% nuclear except that I will STOP Liquified Natural Gas exports. America need GLASS in addition to plastic. What is the one thing needed to melt glass or chemistry glass tubes and glassware? GAS or blue Laser light if you want to pay the price.. America can sip it's milk shake with a paper straw again. If not recycled it can be burned (maybe supplying 1% of our electricity) without eitting CYANIDE gas.
If TRUMP called me UP I would say Hell, you come DOWN. https://youtu.be/bwb0GVHh6wU
Sickening https://youtu.be/NDvqZ9UbMsg
I guess the conference table in the White House is too samll, and besides where are the Admirals who commmand carriers (Pentagon Inspector Generals)? https://youtu.be/nqwzgMUIvY0
Check PRICE of MAGA hat. These used to be called give me hats because companies handed them out free or publicity. https://youtu.be/oU12BZ0nDmA
TRUMP is like the 1000 s of high school kids trying to make a $million in the T shirt business. But look at this Hilarius venture https://youtu.be/oU12BZ0nDmA
How much did security cost for Ivanka's "Tupperware Party" ? Yeah women are mor eprone toward Peace unlike Jesus. Never would they lead a war like Margaret Thatcher or Joan of Arch. Now here is a question about our future First Woman President. Do you think she could conceive of my CSA or Confederated States of Africa (due to languages and strong independence) which would educate the lowest up to $4.00 per hour skill level. This would allow the Africa people to buy some US products. It would reduce or end illegal poaching (except for eggs), created paved roads throughout Africa reducing travel costs, elliminate visas for each little country State) travelled through. https://youtu.be/ifvxwWyRFnQ
DOES TRUMP have a total revamp of the tax paid K thru 12 and student paid higher education system ? Well I do and it is called the "STEPPING STONE SYSTEM".
YES this is TERRIBLE, but the President as they typically do need not visit in person. A group of 10 military officers from the Army Corp of Engineers can collect info to add to the info from the Governor which may not be reliable in some States. Then send the bill to Washington AFTER the State and Insurance companies have paid their parts. https://youtu.be/M09ops9WrXY
Harley is thinking of moving offshort. To this I say now. True I prefer a Honda but here is some History. Bikers, as opposed to ordinary motorcycle riders demand the Hog because it is American Built. So will it survive and now an import item? In the past the Harley engines were so well known to leak oil they were parked over something to catch or absorb the oil. Harley corrected that. So, I propose that only the engines be bought from Honda (or Kawasaki or Suzuli as Harleu deems fit) and the rest of Harley manufacture remain where it is. https://youtu.be/XXxQRZfhGOQ
I ADMIT this is GOOD on the surface. The man is right. Corporate America will pass on increases in cost to the consumer but not a decrease. However I think I would not use tariffs but instead a quota from all foreign steel companies such that only 25% of steel is imported. This will reduce "sticker shock" when you shop for your next car.
LIARS. I will be HONEST, a percentage of our consumer items would be made overseas except for Chinese Food lest the rotting during the long sea voyage give you food poisoning. https://youtu.be/uTRs_dm1-XM Don't Buy Food from the Chinese, Buy it from the AMERICAN Chinese LOL.
OK...I am tired now. There are many more TRUMP videos but let me tell you this. I think I averaged 30 seconds per video in finding these screwball items.
NOW HERE IS MY White House Bid. Share it or ROT to DEATH under TRUMP's TAX BURDEN. I suspected it but only a few days ago found out the SHOCKING TOTAL. Trump talks about beefing up the Military and the WALL (by removing free schooling for children of Military Troops on foreign bases).
TRUMP has added $4 TRILLION to the previous $19 TRILLION National Debt. No wonder he did not reply to my idea to take a HUGE BITE OUT of that Debt.
TRUMP has added $4 TRILLION to the previous $19 TRILLION National Debt. No wonder he did not reply to my idea to take a HUGE BITE OUT of that Debt.
Here is my Bid for the Presidency and my TV Debate for I do not have the $130,000 to pay the "biased media" for a ticket in the door. This should be illegal.
To ALL the OTHER CANDIDATES, write your ideas down. If you have the BRAINS to tell HOW TO DO THEM add that. Then, if I think they are good or partially good I will act on them. After that you are not needed. Dismissed.
MY LINK to my Presidential Presentation
Just click it to LEARN virtually my whole life story, more of my ideas and plans plus UNBELIEVABLE things.
THEN Share the LINK anywhere on the Web or in email where others may click the blue link.
I honestly have not had time to contact General Mattis to ask him to team up with me. I think he will and know he will be a good President should I die in Office or promote him as m successor after my one term.
FINALLY Ivanka is pretty and Melania IS the most beautiful First Lady, but First Ladies are few and I certainly know other women much prettier and smarter. Katherine could do better if not British and Hetty if not Swedish. (next video Katherine and Hetty in photo 4)
https://youtu.be/z4NafBKGu4A Katherine Jenkins.
Kathy again https://youtu.be/r6Vv_agvWgU
Kathy again https://youtu.be/UumLNyScu14
Kathy again https://youtu.be/5HCb65Rp6Hg
Kathy once more this tiem relating t photo 5 which is inside my presentationj https://youtu.be/JQCmtbExDik
Kathy again https://youtu.be/r6Vv_agvWgU
Kathy again https://youtu.be/UumLNyScu14
Kathy again https://youtu.be/5HCb65Rp6Hg
Kathy once more this tiem relating t photo 5 which is inside my presentationj https://youtu.be/JQCmtbExDik
Swedish model Hetty is photo 5, 6 , 7 & 8.
Some 45 years ago Playboy published a list of the 10 things women notice about men. NUMBER ONE was their "tushies". Back then it was a word girls kept between themselves. So it sounded spungy to me. So I bought some springs and built up my pecs. I asked a feamle friend if my Tushies were okay and she patted me on the butt and said "Wrong end".
So Melania was a model but from a small UR A PION town. Yet it was not Donald's money which attracted her and draws the WOMEN's VOTE. Photos 9 & 10.