If my suspicions are real this time the Web will be notified by Coroner Leffler by arrangement.
Leffler is also my undertaker
Insurance will only cover graveside service which does not mattter since I have not had time to write what should be said. A "soft coffin" was mentioned so I took it to save a little money. It may be a fancy body bag for all I know.
Now someone unknow posts me on Google Images. One day I just looked at a room in a home for building ideas and rejected it. But next day the room photo was in Google.
Likewise (it changes) there are usually perhaps 8 head stones with the Burlison or Burleson name but people I never heard of. So I just took photos of the REAL family stone (rather "Sly" to take the "Family Stone" Ha Ha.).
It was tough getting just the couple of miles, standing in tall grass and getting home after these photos. I had been awake and tired enough to fall asleeep for 3.5 of the 4 hours. This is why I aam preparing as best I can.
photos not in camera of stone, just this of me before trying tp snap them. I cannot move them from camera to desktop
When notice cmes no neeed for all to come. Parking for few cars unless long walk. Just stop and say hello if near. I won't be going anywhere Ha Ha.
I do ask one bit of help. I am the last of the family and no children. Bring a small stiff brush. Not for me the "STIFF" Ha Ha. Just brush dry grass from lawn mower off ledge below Jet Black stone. Also bring sharp pole that you can poke through grass just to left of my place in the plot. (OH I should not have said "plot". Now there will be conspiracy theories in my death).
Anyway I have 2 half brothers and one half sister buried in one tiny grave under I think a concrete large pizza box slab level to ground. I could not feel anything solid through the grass at the bottom of my place for grass grows over the slab. So if you can fine it use some gardening or edging tool to remove couple inches of sod. You will see "GERRY" the oldest and I cannnot recall the other two.
Gerry died at age 3 and I know it was a relief to him, my real father and his second wife. Gerry cried most his whole 3 year from pain of a tumor in his head growing and stretching his skull until it bulged on one side to one and a half normal size. I was allowed in the house just one time and then only for 10 seconds to see him. He was not crying at the time so that is one awful thing I did not see in my life. Thankyou Lord.
The other two were twin, boy & girl. I am not sure if they lived to come home from the hospital.
If I could show you my photo from today, well it surprised even me who has seen myself in rough shape before. EXTREMELY PALE with red eye lids and nose and lips I think. Looks dead for a few hours or drained of blood.
God Bless you. My life has been so lonely come sit by me a while. You can tell me your hard stories.
I have about 7500 or 8000 VIP plus I think 5 million worldwide aware of me. Even all of these cannot end the lonelinesss. Heck, 6think about it. God Created you to have Children + company = friends = to be LOVED. Love of His Family is the botttom line of what God and Jesus want.
It is the same for me but not sissy way. I worked myself to death for the White House to...
1. Earn my way out of poverty. It is not the "American Dream" of an engineer. Cannot afford lodging for evern a day trip away fro m this mobile home.
2. The government (USA Jobs.com) fast tracks handicapped applications. I applied at the office inside Argonne National Lab but it only handles the Dept of Energy. The White House is for a generalist (ALL departments) and there is no place to apply for that. Of course it is done by We the People , but I get so may "LIKES" and invitations into secret or highly intellectual or spiritual Facebook Groups and Pages. So TRUMP people have moved over to me at least as an option. But nobody lifes a finger to help me. It may be too later but sharing and spreading this Nationwide, perhaps Wall Street Journal
Same link clickity clack here. Getting hard to joke now.
robert dean burlison ii (Google & Google Images)
That is ALL I ask in that newspaper ad(s).
Maybe too some attention getter like this but color is expensive
You know how you feel after packing the car for a "long trip"? "I KNOW I FORGOT SOMETHING". If no big pain 2/3 fear of dying is that you left something unfinished.
Oh, as I said PEOPLE realy are like sheep hard to make move. Those who refuse the MARK of the BEAST or RFID chip probably do not know hunger for the most part. With diabetes it is near pass out weakness. Before diabetes way back in 1976 it was dizzy light headedness and pain in stomach had left. I just layed down on top of the bed to wait for unconsciousness. God saved me. I thought Mom sent a letter and I would have to lie one more time about good job prospects. I sort of floated down to my mail box but it was notfrom Mom. It was not even a letter but a telegram for speed. It was the job title and high pay offer to wrk on the F-16 aircraft. 31 times God did this close call routine.
So one of the first things to do if I were your leader is make preparations for the thousands or millions of Americans and their children to avoid death by slow starvation. Hpefully they will need foood, shelter and medicine no more than six months before Christ ends it. I give no hint how I would pay for this or hide the provisions from the one who rules by the Mark for he willl be very close to me if I reach Office. He is being used too as part of God's Plan.
Remember I said all God and Christ want is love, all the big Christmas parades and singing every Sabbath are unneeded repeticious bore. Bible says not to chant prayers like pagans. Say whatr you ned or want or feel that day and it will probably be new and original. You can say thank you Lord or simple Hi Lord like family.
Now looking today at how far it is from the fence across the lawn to the White House this will be hard to imagine. When my cousin Abe sat in the Oval Office he could just walk outside and be on a sidewalk. He would walk into town and tip his hat saying "Hello" to people passing. I would like that. No Secret Service, just We the People alll friends. Friend = Love. Also respect.