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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 7mcannot be differentiated therefore the Holy Ghost of the 2 IS 1 and the same (IN AGREEMENT) making the Son of Man ONE with GOD. However is it not a wonder that a man was inspired to name the device a "SERVER" and I just compared GOD HIMSELF to a SERVER is it not better to serve000.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 7mis DEAD. So is a bundle of wires which acts as the DATA BUS between Mainframe or "SERVER" (FATHER) and PC (SON) . A DATA BUS with NO DATA is just DEAD AIR. Without both FATHER and SON there can be no Ghost of them . Data on a bus sent or received by either Father or Son11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 7mmodulation of thoughts riding on gravity. The Holy TRINITY of 3 entities is simply that IF BOTH the CHRIST and the FATHER exist as separate entities then their intercommunication is carried via gravity. The Holy Spirit is also called the Holy Ghost, but typically a "ghost"11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 7mby the medium of the Holy Spirit which cannot LIE under the LAWS of UNIVERSAL physics ALL DATA sent or received by God or the Christ thru His Father GOD are delivered uncompromised. No force in physics can interfere or vary a gravitational field. The Holy Spirit is just a11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 7mthe ... TRUTH In my book I defined the word "HOLY" simply as a kind of TRUTH more FACTUAL than that of the PARITY Bit in computer data. If a bit of data fails the parity test then the whole byte is thrown out (the baby with the bath water) but since HOLY data is carried11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 7mLYING to CONGRESS is a SERIOUS CHARGE How about CONGRESS LYING to the PEOPLE ? Well, if YOU and/or that which YOU support is NOT EVIL then YOU do not deserve the EVIL of being lied to. However UNTIL the "ENEMIES" LOVE EACH OTHER our Necessary Military cannot just broadcast2150.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 39mwith FATHER can only rely on "sources" out of the sea of men. However HE SHALL JUDGE WHO IS OR IS NOT WISE. MANKIND are the "SPECIALISTS" while the Christ is the GENERALIST. First the American Nation must become a smooth running machine Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 39mor Nuclear. The virtually INFINITE (it would only take 1/2 ETERNITY to read the US Library of Congress Library books.) combinations for which to create new laws is more than any human skull can contain. Thus EVEN the "SON" while ON EARTH and SEPARATED from Direct Contact2150.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 39mMANKIND CAN and SHALL RULE ITSELF but I SHALL MAKE those KEY DECISIONS. I have already solved many of the world problems such as my WORLD PEACE plan which holds a KNIFE to the throat of ALL LEADERS including the US President to prevent their initiation of any war Conventional11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 39mBOTH Muslim AND Jew should be able to ask if a menu item contains PORK and they could if all restaurants worldwide could understand via the 3rd party language of English. IS THIS ORDINARY MAN NOT OF GOD ??? DOES IT REALLY MATTER IF HE IS SWORN BY LOVE OF HIS and YOUR FATHER?—1—View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 39mlanguage and English fluency is in both China and Russia in addition to all WORLD travel. World travel can be PEACEFUL if only the FEAR which originated in the Tower of Babble be negated by a passable English ability with a few hundred word vocabulary is spread to all .5120.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 39mAMERICA will be the "landing strip" or first to SEE the COMING. However once AMERICA is HEALED and PERMANENTLY CURED then the NEXT STEP shall be the UNITED NATIONS. It shall be the END of WAR which few of the PEOPLE of the WORLD really want . ENGLISH is the world trade11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 39mThe ANTI >>> MUST <<< APPEAR to be REAL if He is to FOOL... Public statement "I am the CHOISEN ONE" Well YES GOD did chose him but only to USE him. The ANTI MUST COME BEFORE as it is WRITTEN in order to "DRAIN the SWAMP" or do the DIRTY WORK undesirable to the REAL Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 1hLIKE the MOST "RED BLOODED" AMERICAN. I DO NOT enjoy HAVING to PUSH my face to the public and in my cousin Abe's day it was considered lowly to do so personally but it was done by his supporters. HOWEVER, as I believe Donald will RULE first but I shall stand in the wings Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 1hstruggle? Take two EQUAL amounts of paint, one RED and one BLUE. Mix them in EQUAL amounts. The resulting color is purple, ROYAL PURPLE which is NOT HUMBLE and NOT AMERICAN . However if we mix ONLY that 25% to 40% BLUE into the RED to "SOFTEN" the HEART the color becomes—1—View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 1hWe NEED a balance of BOTH LEFT and RIGHT. AS IT IS TODAY the RULE we need should be only 25% to 40% LEFT solely DUE to the MINORITY which makes itself MOST VISIBLE as the False Image of DEMOCRACTIC DEMOCRACY. Is it finally TIME for a "gentle" PURGE unless they put up a—1—View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 1hWE PUNISH the SMOKER with KILLER TAXES while allowing BIG TOBACCO to skate by with a hand slap. Tobacco is on WALL STREET but in this case WE the PEOPLE can buy just the CONTROLLING INTEREST then we can help smokers. I went from chain smoking to non-smoker in 1 ((( ONE )) day.—1—View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 1hDemocrats vs Kennedy ERA Democrats (( "Ask NOT what your country can do for YOU, but what YOU can do for your country" ) Corporate America can walk on you just as hard as Communism IF there is no option for the product or service... an effective MONOPOLY.4125.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 2hthe director yelled "CUT" it startled me and I took it literally. 007 was a WIMP FAKE Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 2hthen just crank out copies like COUNTERFIET MONEY. If a song or a movie remains popular into the future then one should feel satisfied by the IMMORTALIZED LOVE which those who built your media never know.… I almost made it in the movies, but when11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 3hI could NEVER do that but HOLLY Would for a buck.…200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 3hNOTICE TO MEDICAL COMMUNITY THIS is MY SCALPLE I will make your med school loan payments while you rot in prison for as long as the child hurts. LIFE SENTENCE. You can elect any number of SWEET SMILING POLLY TISHIES or you can elect an ANGRY MAN… Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hFederal Death Penalty. If I had to sign acceptance of a firing squad should I divulge what I knew then I see nothing wrong with sending scammers to HELL slightly ahead of time. YOU CAN'T PUT ME IN THE BRIGG FOR THIS . You're not NAVY and cannot figure the confusing equivalent2813.6%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hneither the fault of left or right. WE need to END bureaucracy which ultimately can be retraced to the original sin and mistrust of fellow men. However first we must be able to stop cowering from doing open business due to scams, ID theft and cyber crime. My solution is a4125.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hto transfer files to my new PC tower, but it hurts getting down there to connect cables, get back up to copy files and back down to change cables again. I will take it back about the country not wanting me. Very many do want me as CIC to straighten out this mess which is3133.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hthe home price 50%. I am tired of living in subsidized housing or this cheap mobile home in a trash neighborhood in an economically depressed area of downstate Illinois. God HEALED my nerves last year (2021). So I can now work though slow due to age. For instanc eI know how3133.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hmy affordable luxury homes for veterans business (3D printing). I worked so much mandatory overtime on the F-16 program that I was able to save 1/3 of the price of a new brick Fox & Jacobs home. But the Dallas Boom and Savings and Loan scandal happened simultaneously increasing10110.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hfrom my 5 years work would be secure radio communication via a carrier wave like this.... I am age 75 now. It is my intent if I sell to EXPAT out of the country that does not respect or want me. By retaining my citizenship it will be easier to use that mentioned fee to start up—1—View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hI now do not think my device can be made to create thrust but it can create possible a bridge between say Mars and Earth for zero delay communications. The problem however is planet spin and orbits constantly changing points A and B. Perhaps the only practical use resulting11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hmy asking price is that of just 1 (one) F-16. I can then have a home with a garage to prototype my gravitational device (vastly lower frequency than natural gravity and it must be energy maintained like treading water instead of vacuum generated like the natural via neutrinos)6116.7%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hgood since it would conflict with my world peace plan I am thus "expendable" and just left to remain rotting on income too small to have bought the roses to even think about having a family. So I KNOW "America Loves a Winner" even if some dumb LOTTO winner or born rich. Hence7114.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hSo, I just read a letter from a law firm telling me officially that they will not continue my case for aide and attendance which I desperately need and the remainder would buy me a nice home maybe for $175k and a $30k car. Since I was NOT selected for the Pentagon which was11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hthe first delta hang glider (I was in high school) or knew about Aluminum alloys or NASA wing sections or aircraft cable test strength or "Ripstop" fabric I envisioned 2 Aluminum pipes/tubes connected at the end with canvas between and metal cables holding a small seat under it.4125.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hthing with no outlet to discuss. In fact 6 months before we got word of it being "official" I mentioned to a co-worker that it should be called the "FALCON" due to small size, paint color, "beak", speed and maneuverability plus the general looks. 10 or 15 years before I saw11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22hSince the 16 had a hook long before the NAVY got it have you ever thought to rig just a heavy rope across the runway designed for less deceleration than on a carrier with steel ropes but able to stop a 16 in as short a distance as it takes off? Well, I think about this and many7114.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall 22htransmission of "Football" to Operation Chrome Dome B-52s Civilian T.O.s for F-16 systems 1F-162700 and 1-F163200 if I recall correctly plus access panels and doors, keel beam, and radome . " 1. Open door xxxx. 2. Remove three bolts. 3. Remove angle gearbox. "9111.1%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 21Damaged by envioronMENTAL toxins. GIN toxins.…000.0%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 20Robert Burlison: 52% but I'm going to let Donald win.…3100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 20not good. So I may support you and do nothing pro or con with Trump. Just tell me examples of HOW you will fix America, perhaps you will standardize the dollar without gold.200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 20Yet another last minute competition for me. I too am tentative. I too think Donald will win and should win, but for radically different reasons than in your vision. True the US is in serious trouble but do you have solutions? My slogan IS "SOLUTIONS". However my health is18316.7%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 20A well dressed black man bought my lunch without giving me a second to refuse. I am white.…9111.1%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 20The book "TODAY'S ISMS " is only about 3.5 x 3.5 x 1 inch, yet it very clearly defines Capitalism, Communism, Fascism and Nazism. I can't recall whether Socialism was included.…1600.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 20Can't control the kick on auto. Shot up in air over target.…200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 2013 year old Grand Rapids girl over the murder of a refugee from Congo. Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 19Elon, if you have $10 million US (in GOLD) to put on his head I'll do it. MASH it into the dirt.…400.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 19I could probably still put him on his knees with a handshake.…1218.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 18Thank you to all 3,197 of you from around the world!!noseall 1. USA (75%) 🇺🇸 2. UK. (7%) 🇬🇧 3. Canada (4%) 🇨🇦 Can you see your country? Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 18Why is he a "CELEBRITY". Did he play more than 1 character on 1 show?…400.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 17Thank you to all 3,197 of you from around the world!!noseall 1. USA (75%) 🇺🇸 2. UK. (7%) 🇬🇧 3. Canada (4%) 🇨🇦 Can you see your country? Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 17I'm calling out the boys. WE are going HUNTING.…600.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16The man on the street: "Sir, can you think of anything good Klaus could do for the world? " " Yes I CAN Sir."…900.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16God gave you and man helped you discover. If elected I see a way to modify the economy such that ANIFA can have cheaper prices and thus live well on the current minimum wage and stop driving the inflation spiral.500.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16KLAUS SCHAUB is right. The planet does not need so many people ... But GOD DOES. AS USELESS as YOU may be the Bible says He will abandon His flock for the sake of one lost sheep. To make yourself UN - LOST simply wish to do the best you can do which is all the "talents"2727.4%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16was proven by Ghandi in India. Sure enough there has not been an attack on a wagon train since Native Americans moved there. However there is ONLY ONE part of US gov. I feel comfortable in sharing my mind with. Don't call me. I'll call you.300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16for when the US can not longer stretch the laws of physics and material strengths to maintain superiority and MUST settle for equality in military performance. It is not a weapon system but simply a way to prevent lose of freedom or living under a puppet gov. Part of it11100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16However these organizations which draw EVERYTHING thye have including feeding their next generations need to learn to break the rules of bureaucracy (only when they can SEE no evil in the end results) and NOT SEE or "look the other way". It so happens that I have a concept3133.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16What we AND the WORLD is up against this time is MORE than the KIng of England or Slavery but LOYALTY to GOD. The FBI, CIA and NSA need to decide their loyalty to just America or to the CREATOR. YES I know how civilians appear to military and such (undisciplined and chaotic)…9111.1%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16What's this? Just a few weeks ago it was announced that he was dead.…3113.2%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16Notice how if this were a US town wildlife could move right thru without invading private properties.…300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16that the drug would still be in the blood stream and you know this is drained first. Maybe a concentration of the drug would remain in the muscle ( meat) at the injection point only.200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16another room. The cow would simply not wake up. Now when you fry a steak the "juices" come out. Well that means those 10 cc also come out . In fact a 1/2 pound steak might only contain 10 / 2000 th of a cc of the anesthetizing drug. In fact the cow is knocked out so fast2150.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 16(I didn't even feel the syringe and for sure a cow being bit by a fly is 10 times worse.) So, figuring a cow is 4 times my weight then 10 cc of the same drug would put it out peacably and without realizing anything. I "immediately (hours later) woke up to see a clock in2150.0%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 15NO, that's a """" FREEBIE """" I would say yes to 10% with Social Security included in that TOTAL amount.…300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 15OK, then can I LOVE you? A cop pulled me over on the Interstate. I asked if he saw the blonde in the Bentley convertible. He said yes, but my argument that I have the right to the pursuit of happiness did not work.…1600.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 15He's DEAD RIGHT .... NO He's DEAD, RIGHT ? NO, He THINKS he is doing RIGHT but gets confused if you tell him that. Maybe he could manage the Nation better if he was LEFT handed. I wonder if he even reads from Right - to - Left like the Chinese < > e s e n i h C.…400.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 15not even know what products you produce. If you are going to limit the email and/or phone contacts to Samsung then at least give your customer service / sales force a catalog even is some contact us emails go straight to an engineering dept or manager.1400.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 15you can also give me the approx. price of the 60 square feet of screen in today's US Dollars. 01/15/2023 This message took less than 10 minutes vs the hour of googling and waiting for next day replies about smartphones when I CLEARLY asked about the WALL. Your employees do4125.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 15I tentatively want a WALL home theater screen (roughly depending on aspect ratio) 6 feet high by 10 feet wide. It may be in a dedicated theater room or a multi-used corner of the living or great room. If you can direct me to a youtube/vimeo DIY video that might surfice if1417.1%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 15I also need info for the cost of using the WALL rather than a projection system for my own home theater as other wide / large screen TVs / monitors are not big enough today. I doubt they ever will be larger as the WALL will make them obsolete IF the cost of seqmenting permits.3133.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 15the size of the real wall it is to mount on . I need help to visualize what the image would look like for nothing exist to test it. It however can be easily fabricated inside any of your lab facilities with ceiling over 14 feet and clear floorspace of 400 square feet.1317.7%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 14Some3how what was meant to be a REPUBLIC became a DEMOCRAZY Yeah I meant to misspell it.…100.0%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 14Ham Slicer. You take a picture of a ham and slice it.…200.0%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 14"I heard that line before." ONE TIME I HEARD THAT after saying "Hi, my name is Bob".…1300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 14NOBODY has given me anything, NOT the GOP or any LOBBYIST. NO COMMENT on the following, BUT ...…12216.7%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13Can you visualize Hillary Clinton, VP Harris or4 Roseanne Barr here ????…2200.0%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13My follower count has been slowly increasing but I am losing some at the same time. HOWEVER many are CHEAP ASS SEX SCAMMERS who I will EXECUTE if ELECTED. I will apply to Rico Act against organized crime to include scamming.700.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13CENTRAL PARK with squirrel muggings every night, but due to the randomness of location it would be more or less a private matter within the hood and the wildlife cares not your color.700.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13can reclaim these areas within cities just as old closed coal mines are reclaimed. If these ruined areas are near the "inner city HOOD" then God's "Country " will be a psychological (meaning psychos will understand it) boost to the hood. True initially t would be like5120.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13homes in 6 months YOU CITY FOLK still have 23 years left on your MORTGAGES. WE do NOT have to invade more animal habitat to move out of the city. In fact just as I was envisioning there is a movement NOW to "WILDify" the cities. Where old factories and homes are decaying we2150.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13WE need small towns/villages of neighbors helping neighbors. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be." Those men who migrated to the cities back during the Industrial Revolution need to reverse and migrate back to the country. However unlike those two men who built their two2150.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13FUTURE back into HOPE for the FUTURE which is the American Dream. Two men in the country help each other build their homes. YES you could pick up a board BY YOURSELF but you can't hold both ends while you nail it.5120.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13lifestyle of the bottom left. You will notice that I DID NOT even touch on the MIDDLE CLASS. AS for them right NOW they feel that their middle class GLASS is half empty. I will make them feel it is half full. What exactly does that mean? It mean changing FEAR of the1616.2%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13The software of the LEFT brain needs to be made COMPATIBLE with the software of the RIGHT AND AND AND visa versa. This then will allow BOTH to exist in one Administration TOGETHER within just ONE MIND , NOT the SKITZO multiple party - multiple personality we now have.800.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13What America NEEDS is a President who can be the CONNECTION between the LEFT BRAIN and the RIGHT BRAIN....…500.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 13Special thank you to my 16 new followers from USA, and more last week.!noseall Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11t story a photo file of all your horses.Jus…200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11Chuck is Chair of the Senate Finance Committee.…500.0%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11She is too old to officially adopt but a Philippine woman calls me "PaPa" and a few days ago I sent papers to sponsor her to the US to see me, have surgery for her military injury and maybe expand her solar power business here. She is blood relation to this girl ...…19110.5%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11the website was in Italian. I thought I filled it out and submitted it correctly but was not selected as a Buzzole product endorser.…700.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11I left the girl for the chicken. Yeah, I know. How could I love a body like that more than the girl, but I do.…900.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11NOT ALL but getting VIPs and INTELLIGENT people to follow is not hard. What IS HARD is getting the common man with all the votes and especially LIBTARDS who don't realize they would lose that title by following me. So I can only resort to this ...…600.0%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11How can I "SPEAR IT" when it keeps moving??……1600.0%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11But as a MAN I must admit "TWERKING" makes me want to EAT IT.……3500.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11Back before the war, perhaps a year earlier I sent an article to the Ukrainian newspaper suggesting Ukraine NEUTRALITY by FORCE, meaning armed enough to prevent fighting on their land by either side. It was not liked. So they got war instead.…1715.9%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11COO DAY Tah Tah ??? You mean they "TOUGHED" each other??? Ick !!!! COODIES…300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11I am estimating my Diesel hybrid to equal the cost of running on regular unleaded with 40 to 50 miles per gallon AND the acceleration of a Bentley or LUCID. AS for the homes basically it would be just another 3D printing business but I have a niche... something others overlooked100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11When you are young you think "I could build that.". When you are old you think "It will be there long after I am gone.".…100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11think the US Defense Department will not use it because it is too CHEAP. Don't bother sending another standard reply like Mr. B. does. My TIME is too valuable. If you can't talk to me one-on-one then buzz off.200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11TRUTH. Fact is perhaps 6 months ago when a Chinese invasion of Taiwan seemed imminent I send my brand new, NON-Lethal (so we don't anger China too much) defense for Taiwan. I told them how to fabricate the weapon fast and how to refine it for the long term defense. However I1417.1%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11You don't have the GUTS for the consequences of "disturbing" my PEACE. ISIS wouldn't have the GUTS to suffer "Eye for an Eye" all the deaths military and civilian in any war. All you have WORLD is control over WHO can address "YOUR" peoples. The day will come I tell them the1815.6%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11My WORLD PEACE plan is directed right directly at any Nation's LEADER (or underling) that initiates and / or causes initiation of ANY WAR Conventional or Nuclear. The US President is just as subject to this plan as Ukraine or Russia. Focus on your INTERNAL Affairs.…3013.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11Your Options: Don't get vaxxed and die Get vaxxed and die sooner Don't get vaxxed and get lucky Get vaxxed and get lucky. LISTEN, PLAGUES are typically 100 year events in history. When the people in charge of COVID already have PLANS for the NEXT PLAGUE that alone proves…3133.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11For larger demonstrations. That's my free "Psycho" - Logical Warfare advice. Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 11I have in no uncertain way ORDERED Teladoc to STOP emailing me. I cannot use the unsub link for it requires me to sign in. I do not know my username or password and do not think I ever had either.1000.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 10Actually this reminds me of when my step father ordered me to drown the chipmunk by submerging the cage in a barrel of water. Little people will struggle just like little animals unless the decide they are NOT JUST ANIMALS.…900.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 9It is those "common people" who have the majority vote who are most difficult to reach. Should then I RISK going against this ???…400.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 9My followers are in USA(75%), UK.(7%) Get your free map!noseall Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 8Women (plural) until they find that woman (singular)…1100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 8He was just cleaning his gun when it went off thru the motel room wall killing a woman in the next room.400.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 8It is a FACT that many claim to be "conservatives" in order to "conserve" their ammo. They are really LIbtards shooting off their guns as fire crackers. I myself don't want the risk of accidentally killing an innocent person. It happened to a drug enforcement officer.…7114.3%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 8It was fun when I was young till I blew my rear end out. But now I'm just an old fart.…000.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 8Well, I recovered yet again. It was rough this time, but maybe I just forgot my diabetes medicine.300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 8Here's to those BRAVE ones with guns who call themselves DEER HUNTERS ...…5120.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 8Water vapor and CO^2 are the main products of fuel (jet fuel too) combustion. Water vapor contrails dissipate or dilute into the atmosphere as they expand. The stuff in this video appears to EXPAND like a foam. Foams are usually chemicals.…200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7... and one way to keep out of the grave is to get to fat for it.…000.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7If you can't make out the words LEAVE before the subliminal suggestions.200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7I wonder if these tough guys would compare finger callouses with Roy Clark (formerly a boxer) or Chet Atkins. It's ALL an act. The Bible says the power will be in the "tails" or those phallic symbols they run their hands up and down on. Just be careful what they tell you.…4125.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7AS expensive as it is to launch into space the few satellites up there could not possibly account for thisw UFO.……3800.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7Well it WAS easier to get ALL of them out.…100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7There is a video interviewing Swedish girls about foreign (US) men. Apparently thye lower standards for migrants.…6100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7to level the playing field replacing Billionaires with 500 Millionaires generates +/- 50,000 jobs and adds yet another anchor chain to inflation. Has Bolton the guts to die in order to stop certain current events of unpunished crimes?500.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7with virtually zero tax dollars, cut military spending without risk of sovereignty of freedom from foreign rule. How will he stop inflation and standardize the US Dollar without gold or as I recently learned with the new gold standard to reinforce. How will he eliminate the 1%4125.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7You know those hick towns that support their police with traffic fines. "CAPITAL POLICE" Hmmm?…000.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7very realistic video game to please the Hawks and share the technology with the "enemy". We could rig the games so that each side is really fighting a fictitious enemy that is programmed to put up a good fight before losing. Then each side will THINK it won.900.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7This is GREAT. So how many "soldiers" should each side have? Maybe the US taxpayer would floor 100,000 based on the lower cost of replacing robot legs than replacing human legs. But then MIl. Contract industry will push fro 1,000,000 robots. I THINK we could just make a…5120.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7This man is the kind of LEADER the WORLD needs. More like this will retain all "civilized" nations' TRADITIONS but in a NEW WORLD without "ORDERS".…1100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7I watched this very closely. At age 75 I have a Hell of a time getting my legs out of my pants.…1300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7NO, not the agency NAME or FUNCTION but the leadership must go leaving more simple book keeping to assure our 10% or 15% is paid. Incomes over an as yet unknown must be taxed similar to the light speed curve NEVER exceeding a MAX WAGE. Risk capital is not subject.…100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7Ladies and NOT so Gentlemen of the Congress ...…100.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7YOUTUBE has TERMINATED account due to "SEVERE VIOLATIONS" but I will be receiving more on this to determine for myself what's what for YOU.…400.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7age 12 or 13 then their little tribe would disappear. Life expectancy was 13 or 14. However these IMAM followers are life cavemen suddenly placed in the American 21st Century. Put them into a ZOO.400.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7"The terms "Adulthood" and "Minimum Age" are relative. My late aunt and uncle celebrated 75 years of marriage. But in the farm backwoods of Arkansas they married at age 13. Even younger off the Irish coast brutal conditions mean if a girl did not have the next generation by…2713.7%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7Herer is the very SIMPLE & CHEAP & SAFE was to make them GO AWAY (that's my poetry limit)...… You notice the year 2018 ?? Why won't people LISTEN ????…300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7The GOOD Muslims I know do not abuse little girls. They do not torture dogs. They do not harass other religions including Christian or Catholic. To my knowledge they did not finance this.500.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7I could not before see intro the future HOW here in 21st Century USA the Biblical beheadings could happen, but with Mr. B backing these Migrants you know they would just as happily behead YOU as vote for "B" Head of Stater. SELF DEFENSE…16212.5%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7OK, I was just TRYING like HELL to be US Pres. I would have no "AUTHORITY" from "YOU the People" to act in Canada. BUT you still have the "Metal" to eliminate this threat in 30 seconds. I could not blanket pardon but could allow Pol. Asylum. You can sleep in my refrigerator.…1300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 7sure but cannot get enough sleep . Already want to lay down again. 1 hour up Made coffee. Maybe will work.200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 6Shear'Ree The man is already in the process of what is my vision. Ending homelessness and cleaning up corporate America. I just called for in-home help. I also have a woman coming in an hour to clean up if that is now… Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 6When I strated in politics in 2012 debt per person was $53 or $58,000 It has doubled almost.…1119.1%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 5Having more than a few extra pounds I agree. "Beauty O Beast"…000.0%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4Glass is a liquid. It just flows very slow.…9222.2%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4The MIND of the Insane still is logical. Only the date is wrong. If a mind is NOT logical it is defective and like a defective chip it must be disposed of . No chip that tests (on Earth) defective shall enter Heaven. We may see "Libtards but thye will be those who were…8112.5%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4At the time before things went sour was not Germany viewed as the underdog after Europe ignored the USes's 14 Points? These companies other than COKE were tricked by Hitler too.…1700.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4In Heaven you will have many a second chance for what is 60 or 100 years in ETERNITY?…600.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4That little effort just to raise a girl's spirits was my TOP MEDIA tweet so far this month.200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4Hey GREAT. He's bring slavery back. I'll buy 2 Americans. One gardner and one housekeeper.…300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4LISTEN to this MAN. He parallels what I want to do very closely and is already established in "tearing down all "MAN" has built.…300.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4i have to sign off twitter now i have been pain guts…500.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4A pretty cheerleader saw a sign on the school wall, "Fuck Off." She thought the Principle's OFFice had moved.…3600.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4They are trying to genetically program athletes to KNEEL when the National Anthem is played.. They are working on the get back up part.…700.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 4I was just thinking the same after reading how yet another "expert" put his vaccination opinion on the table.…9366.5%View Tweet activity
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- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 3I have rages. I swear. But it is under pressure, worry and stress AND I KEEP IT PRIVATE NEVER TRYING TO HURT ANYBODY even though it would be easy to kill those cheap trash. I take it out on the wall, not at Walmart.…700.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 31947 Chevrolet, '47 Ford, '47 Studebaker (every stud his 16 year old daughter brought home went into the oven)… Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 3YES. As a college grad or even an elementary school kid the math necessary for a tax return is simple. However the long instructions take TIME exposed to your bottom line if your income is small. PULL the FISH HOOK OUT FAST.…2500.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 3Yeah, and a year after I closed my AETNA extended Medicare I received a summary of I forget either 1/4 or 1/8 million dollars of medicine or treatment I never saw.…1317.7%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 3I could barely hear it but my opinion is after the "swearing" part these words should be added for ALL gov. jobs... "OR I WILL BE EXECUTED." I signed t face a FIRING SQUAD if I divulged my Cold War stuff. TOUGHEN UP AMERICA.…500.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 3This guy wants white people NOT to carry ropes bu then blacks walk up to a white minding his own business and punch the hell out of him.…1200.0%View Tweet activity
- Robert D Burlison II @noseall Jan 1TRUMP has legal protection, his inner circle does not. My income in 2022 was just over $1k. TRUMP supposedly wrote me PERSONALY asking when I would send my $42 "donation". Does Don Donald actually know what his circle does? That is the question.…500.0%View Tweet activity