I am being walked on and I am not the type to allow that. Small example is out of a $6225 check from a $586 million Supreme Court Class Action settlement I was only able to deposit $1,900 which did not pay off all my credit cards as expected.

I live on the knife edge between dire poverty and massive wealth. Right now my cheap worn out mobile home is up for tax sale because I wsas in hospital when it came due. Plus twice I called the post office to restart delivery. The date of the tax sale was Dec 23 , my birthday. The notice came in the held mail with a rubber band around it. Also in my held mail were my blood pressure pills nd the emergency overnight package from the Veterans Hospital contained more of the same pills which I had ben without for2, maybe 3 weeks. There is much much more to this story going back to 1997 when I had not choice due to my disability but to move back to my hometown where I thought I could survive on SSI.

I cannot find sophisticated attorneys in this hick area of southern Illinois. I have 3 legitimate cases of medical malpractice. A Chicago law fir which did not handle malpractic warned me of the statue of limitations and since this incident which ruined my quality of life and lessened my lifespan due to diabetic side effects occurred back in1997 when I first went for a refill of nerve pills (Class C). A different hospital di $14,000 in tests and the ER idiot would not even listen to what was wrong. Instead he turned to the paramedic idiot. I was just pushing myself beyond total exhaustion because Western Union required I show in person at an agency to change my receiver to my fiancé's friend in hopes the Western Union system was working on her side of town to simple pick up the funds and bring them to my woman. In addition just one mile (60 seconds) from my exit and a few 100 yards (meters) further was the Western Union agency. But a truck fire had stopped all lanes of the Interstate. Having a semi-truck in front and back or simply being trapped unable to move is a trigger to my PTSD (non-combat but other causes). I have sold my car for airfare and the local taxi is not taking passengers because (I thougth it was something extreme like trying to prevent a premature birth) they are due to have a baby 14 days from now. Well I guess it was wise to get ready 20 or 30 days in advance. So as a result I have had to call out of town taxis just to go to the next town 6 miles away to pay the liquor store $500 to cash the $6225 check that my bank was afraid to even hold for deposit after it cleared the big bank in Columbus Ohio (Huntington National).

I have ben in a few ambulances recently but there wa a long gap before (5 to 7 months) . Back then I had 25 ambulance rides in 12 month period. This iis WHAT IT MEANS to push yourself to the DEATH without one penny from go fund me .com tor help campaign in this country where "any mother's son can become President". It was not that way in Lincoln's day.

So to make a long story short, a few days ago I contacted people in Chicago and Las Vegas inhopes that a name (not John Gotti) would get enough "respect" fro a free head shot. I have wanted to give up and just let go for so long. Buit God will not let me die. I went to the emergency room for an extremely painful wound (only time I ever kept repeating to the doctor "don't touch it - don't touch it") By chance they checked my Potassium level. Why? It was totaly unrelated to why I was there. Well the to IV drip bags of Potassium were so big. The human body only has about 9 pints of blood and it looked like 16 pints plus I go 2 big horse pills of Potassium and a banana (high in Potassium) for breakfast. Potassium is an electrolyte which keps your heart beating. I don't know , maybe that was the 31st time God stepped in. When I was younger it was things like flying upside down off my motorcycle over the hood of a pickup truck and landing on concrete in front of a semi-truck. Later during rush hour into Chicago. Everybody was following me and I was fighting (counter steering as fast as I could) to maintain just 35 mph on the black ice. Well I spun out 2 and 1/2 rotations stopping with my rear drive wheels in the snow on the shoulder. Nobody came to help with a little extra push so I guess they saw the anger as I found to get the car of th shoulder. The speedometer read 60 mph but that just turned the snow to steam. Trying to push forward all the force went upward but finally I considered the coefficient of friction for packed snow. I put the car in second gear and let out the clutch with the engine idling. The whels slowly without slipping pulled me onto the pavement . Then I had to run and jump in before the car crossed the 3 lanes into the median on the other side. I don't know, maybe 1000, maybe 5000 cars were backed up waiting for me but I just aimed in the Chicago direction and continued my rush hour. My first day overseas was a Saturday. So the shop was closed and I did not see the blacked out spots off limits on the Angeles City map or have the sergeant tell me never to get in a jeepney (taxi built out of an old World War 2 jeep) with other Philippinos alone. I told the sergeant "ben ther e, done that". I had to stare down a Philippino who ws playing with his dagger (sharpened on both edges) with an 8 inch blade. It was eye toi eye but he did not take me on. Guys come into the bars selling all sorts of switch blades an dbutterfly knives but the worst is made by ther little Nigrito tribesmen (the Japanese were terrified of their arrow heads ) So trhey made a much bigger verion of the arrow head out of old car leaf springs. The blade is twisted like a cork screw and barbed in both directions. It looks like just a piece of sugar cane that the girls chew like gum. However you pull the 2 halve apart and one half is the handle and the other that twisted blade with barbs maybe the size of a small old type soda can opener. You ram it into the guts and then pull it back out so the reversed barbs drag out your intestines. When the deep cover narcotics agent asked me to back him up I just did it for free. It was nothing, just two high school kids selling reds (Seconol which you can study in the book "Final Exit" which was the option back before physician assisted suicide was legal in Oregon for terminal cancer patients). A few months ago a asked where it was legal in Oregon if the pain was as bad as cancer. But I am so busy I lost the number to call for an answer. My nerves snapped bacxk inn1987 after long term unemployment since 1979 ( about 1 and 1/2 months after President Carter asked me to abort my plan to go alone to Iran and free our US embassy hostages Video for those too young:

The BEGINNNING of US _ IRANIAN trouble which continues today

The News Enraged me to the point that i messaged President Carter to obtain fake pay stubs for my walllet from my old banking electronics job. That way the Iranians would not know I had anything to do with US government. (At the time I was updating Secret manuals subcontracted by Sandia National Lab but nothin gto do with atomic bombs). I outlined my plan A and plan B. Plan A was diplomatic reasoning (I know now that would have failed for what We the People thought was true differed for this story....

TRUE STORY Now after my military service I returned to college on the G.I. Bill which with State aid to buy books and the girl who told me you could survive on sweet potatoes allowed me to study year round and finish fast. But it was not fast enough to get into the Air Force Academy because Vietnam was winding down and the military was under a "Reduction In Force". I had move to Dallas to look for work by then and met a man in the union working on the F-16 then being built by General Dynamics.

F-16 simulation because it is less boring for my audience. Now camera could in reality keep up with distances and speeds of closure (100 miles away on radar pilot has 3 minutes to plan how to engage the enemy)

F-16 Simulation (all in a huge computer program) for perspective

We now return to our American embassy. Now I am glad that President Carter convince me with a number of pages about the situation to abort my plan. Yeah obviously my attempt to explain that the US was not aware of the Shaw's crimes against humanity but in yet another Coincidence by Divine Design (God arranged I should meet an Iranian friend in college). We would usually talk before drafting class but there was always an Iranian girl maybe 150 feet away sitting on the curb watching us talk. I suspected she was a spy. I did not realize that I was personally being told History of the near future. The Shaw kept hi people in line with his SECRET POLICE. Anybody in revolt against the Shaw's policy with us (oh I mean the US) was simply put in a large oven and baked black. I saw some photos of dead . There fingers were sticking out with the first 2 knuckles burned black. One day I walked into drafting class and my friend walked in with his whole face covered with bandages. I tried to get him to tell me who did it but he would not even say a word , not even "Hi". and looked away as if i were not there. I so wanted to return the treatment to the God Damned Secret Police.

The first 6 Days President Carter attempted to send troops to rescue our hostages with this result...

US Troops never leave the landing site

The 6 Days become 444 Days

So, returning to my plan to free the hostages alone plan A for non-violent reasoning would have failed. So it would have ben plan B as I slowly walked past (well nearly past) the US embassy gate probably guarded by a man with an AK-47. President Carter never sent me the layout of embassy grounds, hiding places, embassy staff might be held and such so my plan B was for whatever circumstances. I envisioned grabbing the gate guard's AK so fast he would not react ( I grabbed a guard's rifle in the Philippines because he just stood guarding the gas station during my knife fight (the Air Force only teaches you the M-16, no hand to hand combat, but God taught me fast. In 2 seconds my right hand fingers felt his collar bone and my left felt his bone right above the elbow. It was a petty knife but sharp. However my fingers either paralyzed or mechanically locked his wrist so he could no rotate to cut or even shave the hair off my arm. The very sharp blade just felt like a good back scratch.

So, while the first guard who's AK-47 I now had is gaining his sense I shoo the second guard . Another AK falls on the ground along with ammo clips. From this point I don't know because I did not get the embassy layout I asked for. I did assume there would be rioters or demonstrators in the street. No big deal. Aim one AK-47 just high enough to miss a 12 year old kid should one be in the crown and open up full auto. The street would clear fast. Buy this time I would have the 2 Marines freed and armed with stray AKs picked up next to Iranian bodies. We highjack as many cars as needed for the full embassy staff and maybe a few extra AKs in case some of the embassy staff knew how to pull a trigger. You don't bother with the airport and sitting in the waiting room. TIME is limited. You put on the speed and race for the border. I think the other side of the border was Russian controlled. So we just shoot the Iranian border guards and stop in middle ground or no man's land , through out our weapons , give the "peace" sign and slowly approach the Russian guard an ask for asylum. Of course there was the Communist issue back then so perhaps the only out back to the US would be a U-turn back into Iran where stolen cars would be abandoned and we blend into the crowd like tourists from Europe or somewhere.

I know the plan has many fail points but what I mean is you have to improvise. It would have helped tol know from satellite images where the military speedboats were if Iran had those back then. It is hard to recall after so many years.

Now the point i am working to is this. Under my Administration the US will never support a corrupt leader like we also sent our initial "Advisers" into Vietnam in support of the corrupt leader of South Vietnam. Go here and read my words about Vietnam and see the "POVERTY" of Vietnamese under Communism...

2020 Presidential bid updated to 2024 thinking TRUMP would win

58,000 US Casualties for NOTHING. Kissinger was right. If Vietnam fell all the other little Nations would fall. However is was not the US but the NORTH Vietnamese who drove their tanks into Cambodia to stop the "Killing fields"

Movie clip about true story. One actor, John Malkovich is from my hometown too but you may not see him in this scene....

Movie scenes "KILLING FIELDS"

More Skulls

86 Mass Graves

Victims before death

Young man facing death

Now i want to return to Vietnam i which our Government that loves it's citizens and protects their "Juvenile" records up till their 18th birthday then Drafts them the next day and orders them to take an oath to defend to the death and tells them that it is now "tomorrow" and they are expendable.

Here is an example of Veteran treatment and it is NOT the first time. The first time was when veterans tried to get their bonus or whatever in order to buy groceries for their famillys when the Great Depression started. Our own Active Duty or National Guard went against the Veterans.

In my case I had saved money and only had to wait until the Summer quarter to start back in college on the G.I. Bill. Yeah I got really hungry during the few months wait. I could not go home for I no longer trusted my own mother. (That is another story). My best buddy a day or so after I went as muscle with that deep cover narcotics agent told me he had sold $10 worth of marijuana "dusted with horse" which means dusted with heroin. Let me tell you when your discussion the night before outside the YMCA is whether we should buy another 20 cent egg or save it for the next day, well you look the other way when he sells something you are against. However I had to risk warning him never to sell to the narcotics agent (he was Italian). Then I ordered him not to have the narc killed. The next day he told me they just told him to leave town.
So my PTSD is in no way due to combat. I never was in "Official" combat. My problem was being laid off in 1979 from the first job I got from the advantage of already having a job. Laid off 1 and 1/2 months after the President asked me to abort going to Iran.

What I grew to HATE was corporate America in that they had no idea how to set up personnel departments. There were to types of job applications. I learned that when I saw one type to just stand up nd walk out for it was a waste of time. There was no internet to make job hunting easy. Initially I had a new car and my inheritance which would have bought 2 middle class Fox & Jacobs homes. But by the time it was out of probate court it would buy just one. I looked in newspapers for business partnership and knew I could open a better technical publications business but tech writers doo not work for minimum wage. Plus there was a Good Ol' boy network so without military contract industry work I would have just thrown my money away. While my inheritance was in probate Dallas and Fort Worth were in a building boom while at the same time the Savings and Loan scandal was going on. I saw the branch new almost finished homes being demolished and thought people like me would have bought them for a cut rate price. That would have returned much of the loans.

Now I have many, many CEO contacts who are honest and respectable. However there are still CEO crooks. Some at the real powers over the Mafia "Bosses".

There are two things that confuse me. 1. How is it the the President of the United States, "the most powerful man in the world" needs such a huge "Palace Guard". Sure I might have people who voted against me but if is not hard to scare the crap out of the John Hinckley and Charles Manson types. Sorry, I forgot point 2. I hav ben working on this many hours and handling phone calls too plus my home tax situation. I am tired now.

To be Continued

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  Please bare with me.  I have only a smartphone to type/typo. Also I asked my friend at the election commission to delete me as a president...