I will not explain it all here for this post would be too long. However this video will be the common place events in Heaven. You will routinely meet your ancesters. The world is overpopulated now, another sign of the end, but Heaven is BIG. The BILLIONS of today will dwell with the MILLIONS and THOUSANDS of Mankind on back to the first TWO, Adam & Eve.
Artificial Intelligence / Computers are just Mankind's Creations in Man's Image for Man is CREATED in HIS IMAGE & therefore MUST Create likewise.
Think of a mirror image. You are 3 dimensional but the image is 2 dimensional. God is 4 dimintional with TIME as His 4th dimension. So, stepping down Man's Creations (computers & robots) are only 2 dimensional shallow thinkers in comparison. Robot Sophia was given Saudi citizenship though "she" is without a SOUL as I define it, a connection via the Holy Spirit / Ghost for communication back and forth with GOD. Sophia MUST rely on MAN'S maintenance and storage for immortality like the images and Man's version of raising the dead in the following...
Video from Mystery Scoop on YouTube
Video of the robot Sophia refered to...
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