I am going to tell you of a DILEMMA.
It is KEY to the Second Coming.
I will NOT give the time for even He who is to come does not yet know it.
The ANTI as compared to the REAL appear the SAME though radically DIFFERENT. The ANTI has already claimed to be the CHOSEN ONE. HOWEVER, the REAL is still holding back uncertain.
The REAL has walked among you all seeing the filth brought on by the original SIN. How else might He JUDGE or rather DEFEND YOU on grounds of extenuating circumstances unknowing of Himself...this time to LIVE a reasonably full lifespan but experience not the intensity of the PAIN on the cross, but all the types of PAIN MAN must experience in death. He learned the IMMORTALITY of the FLESH. Like all animals God Created MAN from existing "bench stock of animal parts He sculpted into Human. So like all animals our immortality is thru offspring. However your offspring do not carry on your memories as they are carried on in the AFTER LIFE.
What is unknow to the Christ now is whether His worn out Mortal body must be first casted away to be renewed and raised for the Second Coming. If so, how long He will lie in the ground is unknown.
NOW, He is almost totally alone. Even the church denies Him though He insulated the sheep from His danger.
So, the ANTI MUST APPEAR to be REAL, conversely this also applies to the REAL for if the ANTI looks like the REAL then the REAL must look like the ANTI. In fact the number 666 has appeared twice in the lifetime of the REAL. Most people would ignore it as just coincidence, but He takes it serious to the point of giving up life to God if He is the ANTI. However that 666 may have just been a warning or Prophesy of His future fight against the ANTI.