" A mind is a MIND "
Just LOOK at these
AFRICAN children then
THINK of those inner city
"AFRICAN - AMERICAN" things who drive god teachers to tears and learn nothing at taxpayer expense.
You will then KNOW why REAL Africans have NO "R E S P E C T" for those who call themselves "Black" then just DUMP ALL that LINCOLN gave them. NO he did not give them Welfare. He gave FREEDOM.
Some years ago I expressed to a Black woman who had the public's ear that after Cane Killed Able and was casted into the Wilderness that NOTHING would grow but he would be protected by a mark. Well that mark was black and nothing would grow because only God can instill that light bulb for all ideas which lead to progress In other words God did not totally ignore Africa but nor did he send any visions as He did to the Wright brothers.
The intelligence, GREAT INTELLIGENCE was always there in the WILDERNESS but yes slavery was and is wrong but it was the price to reach the FREEDOM of AMERICA. Other countries that bought slaves are also now somewhat modern only due to association with America.
What would the American slaveholders have thought to see all the Famous American black businessmen .
So, how many hours do you think we with today's UNITED States would have needed to defeat the Confederacy ???
Imagine you could go back with a laptop and SHOW them our POWER. Then SHOW then this man who manages all this power.... the HEAD of the US Department of Defense.
( I was in 2021 considered for this myself)
YOU NEED NOT WATCH to the end.
He mentions the C-5 Galaxy. Her I was with the 1st C-5 on it's airshow stopover during it's maiden flight around the World in 1969.
After my World PEACE plan is implemented, Part 1. will END the Nuclear Threat and begin reductions of the number of existing WARHEADS, NO not all but a NOTICEABLE percentage of maybe 90%.
Here is WHY even in PEACETIME due to maintaining that "STRONG OFFENSE"which they THINK the BEST Defense
just MIGHT
Well, that's one little part of BIG Government we MUST keep for the next 1000 YEARS to manage those annual inspections, but at least we don' have to worry about those bombs setting on the bottom of the sea. They are just like that meteor which will destroy the Earth or the volcanic YELLOWSTONE National Park. If it happens it happens. God's Plan before the Original SIN was NOT to need the Earth so LONG as to have you face such things but now ou must LEARN by your own experience / History that you KNOW how to mange you Knowledge from the Tree.
There is NO NEED to HIDE this part of my PEACE plan. In FACT ALL THE 4 POWERS and he NEUTRAL Countries MUST KNOW for it to work...
PART ONE will remove all US LAND BASED Missiles thus eliminating them AND everything near them as targets. ONLY after as a desperate act would Nuclear weapons be directed SOLELY TO DESTROY POPULATIONS OF "ENEMY".
ALL NUCLEAR DEFENSE will be by Nuclear armed SUBMARINES which are the ONLY Marines an Marine Basic can give orders to and are below him.
I said that NOT ALL Warheads would be destroyed or converted into fuel for electric power plants. Well this +/-10% will be needed as OLD WARHEADS lose fission ability. YES the fuse for a Hydrogen bomb is an ATOMIC bomb.
EXACTLY HOW I/we in the US will maintain our Submarine force into the next 100or more YEARS IS 'EYES ONLY" TOP SECRET. AND I will not seek intelligence of any "enemy's" way. My plan allows for NO MASSIVE RETALIATION to KILL enemy citizens but rather to Destroy enemy ECONOMY just as the Soviet Union was defeated by economic means. China is buying up Gold in order to base it's Huan currency on Gold Standard. I guess a destroyed economic infrastructure who scare China too. NO LEADER can maintain control if he/she cannot maintain the economy. If his people cannot buy food including his military they will just become migrants.
As I said these Submarine launched missiles will kill none of God's Children directly and they can simply walk out of a zone where our Magnetic Impulse from high altitude nuclear detonation to where they can get food. No it would not be fun, but...
OK PART TWO of my PEACE plan will make Part One redundant thus eliminating need to hide those spare warheads and facilities to exchange old for new. (now that I think of it, these facilities must actually be Uranium enrichment factories to MAKE new fresh warheads)
Part two will UNCOMPLICATE this problem by eliminating it.
Basically Part Two will
ANY including the US President HIMSELF to FACE any WAR he initiates or starts be it Nuclear or "just" Conventional (often a slower death).
Wouldn't it be something if Kings (Leaders) fought their own battles ???
to initially all us industry
if you are acceptable to me, the tobacco industry need not apply but they m ight export temporarily to the Philippines and as a former chain smoker i suggest Long life cigarette sold in taiwan. by taste and smell I think a high percentage is just tea leaves but they work.
Someone else please test whether burned / carbonized tea is healthy. After COVID I don't know who to ask, maybe the "Ghost Busters" of COVID DEAD.
I learned al I know or knew fast and could do so again if not for my wore eyes from countless ways of trying to contact YOU. NO LONGER. YOU CONTACT ME OR GO DOWN.as efficiency of competition goes UP.
My LIFE has been destroyed by long term unemployment but I will not yet say what YOU contributed to this because then you migth figure HOW to change for virtually no cost without PAYING MY MUCH LARGER FEE than if I were just an executive beginning back in the 1980s. I just want the enjoy the rest of my "Golden Years" with some actual GOLD. I will use it to build my home in which to have my HOME OFFICE. No longer will I be under -financed. YET STILL for the new corporation I wish I will need MORE investment than just from Dubai. I will need more than I can gain in financing via merger with Toyota. That's just for cars.
I have yet to fix the
CORPORATE NAME to MINE which will be a VERY symbolic Avatar and Username.
HOWEVER once you and the people SEE it all will UNDERSTAND my philosophy.
You may invest in three ways.
1, As "Founders" which is unto the DEATH. Just as a "company" is small until it "incorporates", you stock holding will be small but it will be like FAMILY owned. business and when the FAMILY (just like the Union) gets together THEY have CONTROLLING INTEREST.
2. By merger as a DIVISON of my corporation. This will only bring your company / corporation under my umbrella and NOT require significant investment by my corporation if you are adequately efficient.
I MUST consider every assistance given as a General Consultant against my Proprietary
The word "legal" just means "because someone said so", but this was ONLY " really LEGAL because "We the People" said he/she COULD be the one to "say so".
BUT those "GOD GIVEN RIGHTS" that "We the People " have I think God has still the RIGHT to decide even in America whether you were born here of NOT.
As for the CHRIST being his ONLY SON yet YOU, MANKIND being his "CHILDREN", well the difference is almost simple. He did not Create the HUMAN BODIES which created your flesh, animal bodies. God instead sent into your animal body at birth via your souls a Spirit from Heaven / His MIND. making the "YOU" you think of as YOU the ONE AND ONLY RESPONSIBLE in the FINAL JUDGEMENT and NOT that other guy/person or STATISTIC / NUMBER.
So, as I said God came first and all that is is of or from God.
What NAME you give God te FATHER matters not BUT the characteristics you apply to Him are to be TRUTHFUL.
My physical shell is now weak because I did not drive over you mighty CEOs in the school crossings. One of my half brothers is a CEO. I changed his diapers and taught him chess but back in the 1980s or 90s he drove right past within 6 blocks not even stopping to have one coffee and talk to his big brother. I last saw in person my 2 half brothers in 1997. One I still call and occasionally he calls me back, never initiating anything. The one who drove by I think block his girls (my nice nieces) from contacting the UNEMPLOYED BLACK SHEEP. I last saw his 2 girls when one was a toddler and the other so small they used a smaller circular pillow to brace her head in the car seat. NOW I have forgotten exactly how long they have been out of college. I have not spoken to that half brother for 1, 2 , 3 years I don't know.
So my body is now weak as you CEOs were weak in childhood. I need you to do the footwork. I am limited to only a few hundred yards / meters on foot and currently have no car since exposing my weak spot an being scammed by a fellow "human".
You may contact me on LinkedIn.com under the name...
Robert Dean Burlison II
There you will see one of these 2 images. The GOLDEN EARTH is MY LITERAL VISION.
That salmon color shirt I still wear now 10 years later. I have just given up on having anew wardrobe. I wonder WHY, if they kept files on my current phone number decades after my F-16 work did they just let me fall between the cracks. Back before the internet made job hunting easy I did not know WHO WHAT or WHERE to use up my gas money and TRY to find work. Itt IS a little more difficult to change jobs than the average with such different technologies and applications. My old FORTRAN IV compute language which is just "Basic" with many more commands had been obsolete since everybody was using the LESSER Basic language on old Apples which yes were small enough to carry but little MORE or BETTER than an IBM 360. So, FORTRAN being useless I forgot it but not completely. However the surprise job ad with good pay was FOR FORTRAN programming. Yes I could have relearned it as fast as the first time but they wanted it RIGHT NOW and THEN. I just delete those employment offers which after I think I am qualified say I must have 17 years experience with some language . From where do they get this number ???
Likewise the eBook which took me 5 years and for which I knew all the locations and equation numbers like some know Bible chapter and verse.if finished. I laid down my physic book and forgot it. Does that mean I could not relearn that too?? No but all engineering, math and physics classes stack on top of those in past college years and in fact the class on motors my professor suggested when I walked in on graduation day tired and wanting to earn money for home, car and a family I had already taken in the military 8 years before, everything, AC, DC and servo.
So,here's the DEAL, Boss. I will only check out needed points or aspects. I will not go back to college and use up a year or two of what life I remains me just to be able to calculate your answer to 8 decimal points. I once was walking to class and just for fun set up and engineering problem in my head. About 75 feet farther I had the answer to 2 or 3 decimal points. I am NOT a Vulcan like Spock who did it to 8 decimal points (another future vision off Star Trek was knowing there would be 8 decimal points.)
So, what I will give you is my GUT FEELING and/or how to relate to the man outside on the street as a cutomer and NOT that FAT AMERICAN PIG at the end of hte assembly line "CONSUMING" anything and everything to give you a bigger bottom line profit.
We can produce and YES you can make good money within reason but we need to do tis at least "cleanly" not issuing forth soot like the black smoke from our coal stover when at age 6 I wondered how long before it filled the sky. Even if Global Warming is a Hoax it will cost NOTHING in the long rum to convert to Nuclear power electric utilities Nationwide except wher solar or wind is already in use.
Here there is a delicat balance in that some coal production must remain for the COKE to make steel and bi-products used for paint and medicine or chemical products. My plan for the coal miners displaced after conversion to nuclear is to slowly rebuild our Interstate Highway system using my new pavement design which has yet to be placed in front of civil engineers to see if it will crack. I guessyou could call my plan "The Groundhog Day plan". Youse the highway work should be rather simple to cross train a coal miner who already has a ken sense of safety an dhow to use a shovel or machinery. So when weather is not burning HOT of freezing COLD the Uppers will work on roads and when weather is bad the will become Downer and work in the "ground temperature" mines until the next Groundhog Day. Again thereis a balance as to both the days below freezing in any year and how much coal is needed or can be stored for future use. I often am amazed at the accurate demographics from businesses, but then YOU have resources plus petty cash to buy more is needed. I must generate very SURE results when dealing with the world and muy resources are small.
Let's see, without a frame of refernce for actual buying power for 2022 Dollars I wil just set my price above. It will be only a one-time expenditure for most who contract withme.
OK I want either 0.1% of net annual profit from your most recent Fiscal or a minimum of $5,000 USD... Plus just $75 USD per hour if it's really interesting or $500 USD if NOT. Of course I will need travel expenses.
OK, now we must deal with the counterpart, the work force.
I will set up either ask a Website or if elected as some government agency with quick access to a human to HELP yo more quickly find work when you suddenly find yourself ALONE. There may be a small fee to cover expenses but I realize that even if you WERE getting $200 USD per hour you ARE getting MOTHING NOW and your house payment has not gone down.
What i will do is also proprietary.
God Bless you and if you don't deserve it then He will bless those around you so the neighborhood doesn't go down.
OH, I told you how you are God's CHILDREN but did not say how Jesus ? or the Christ is God's ONLY son.
Well His son is the one and only Christ.
To be a Christ one MUST be also a God , a God equal to th one and only FATHER GOD except in AGE and Knowledge which FATHER God cn teach or share with His son as needed, BUT the CHRIST GOD will always Respect His One Elder. You see AFTER FATHER God said " I AM THAT I AM" and saw that He was LONELY in DEEP SPACE (from which via Vacuum Genesis He came about in the "Alpha" ) His TOP ANGEL CREATED was the CHRIST. Just a bit lower was Lucifer who even challenged FATHER God's Kingdom. There is little difference between Angel and God for both consist of data and software (in another language base 4 of DNA) ONLY the FACT that FATHER God's software had a longer TIME to mature and refine by trial and error more combinations and results was He able to defeat Lucifer. Likewise the Christ who was called Jesus on Earth during His first liaison visit KOWS that FATHER God will always be Father and a little "OLDER" in wisdom and EVOLUTION of His software or MIND.
HOWEVER, how could Jesus be THE God back in that ancient time yet be weak? " The Spirit is STRONG but the FLESH is weak."
Well Jesus was ONLY as a TRMINAL or PC connected by His STRONGEER than Human SOUL or Spirit connection to His Father. ALL Knowledge and foreseeing of future events was sent to Jesus by His Father.
Basically Jesus was "Down behind enemy lines" and could only heal that blind man by asking Father God for a medical air drop.
So exactly HOW did the Christ Jesus come about ??? Well it's simple. In a process very similar to ASEXUAL DIVISON all DN /genes of Father God were duplicated to split into 2 beings, each the same but like 2 computers of same make, model and year but different serial numbers (names) the one bought later and only then given the ULTIMATE PROBLEM or the ANSWER TO ALL THINGS would be some amount of time behind the original God farther progress toward solving this.
Now my eBook describes God as a sphere around or the "Skull of the Universe". as which He exist in steady state as a Natural part of the Universe.
Now a biological Cell is also like a sphere surrounding something. Well in the case of God it is / was the stars and planets of the Universe that He surrounds. Scientist have mapped the universe and there IS an image of Christ formed in the center by a collection of stars or rather galaxies. There is a lose similarity to not the DNA spirals but to the Chromosomes made up by combinations of DNA strands. It therefore was AFTER the original God CREATED those stars that He became able to then split into 2.
OK I will end for now b explaining how Jesus existed with His Father be fore He had to return again, this time in secret even to Himself as to who and what He was since God placed a "Veil" to hide His knowledge of this that He might exist as just a MORTAL that He might KNOW of this AND even of SIN and Repentance for it and what RESULTS from SINS and what is or is not forgivable by circumstance of be HUMAN in that Final Judgement for which He shall be your Defense lawyer (Savior) under KNOW charges sent in you case by Father God who knows not other than what is / was told by His liaison of ANY MORTALITY which does not exist in Heaven / God's MIND. To this day much has ben shared with Father but no individual souls have ben disclosed to His son's MIND yet. Rather the SON has only seen the MASSIVE SIN of BUREACRACIES. God did not want them to eat of the tree of Knowledge wherein MAN left the "simple life" god had planned for Men.
God knew hat MAN's only option would be Bureaucracies to manage for unlike God, MAN cannot SEE and KNOW the minds of men. ALL men that He might guide them via visions to interact positively.
OK I'm getting there now.
Let's do a final visual experiment.
Remember I said that God is a sphere?
Remember that sphere split into two ?
OK find some circular object, preferably hollow in the center. Get 2 IDENTICAL circles.
NOW simply lay one on top of the other one and you have
"One and One is ONE God together as ONE.
as in Marriage
Jesus the CHIST shall not ONLY Return for YOU but to find His WIFE.
There MUST e the DEATH of His Physical shell before He can return renewed and in POWER to receive His FIRST LADY here shown in symbolism..
Te desired symbol was not found.
However the TRUE BRIDE of CHRIST Shal have POWER to morph as do both Father who appeared as a burning bush an da strong, old in wisdom man or to Joseph smith as 2 glowing (God with Christ) figures otherwise normal humans floating above the ground.
A symbol is like a blank slate. So, like the Father and the Son She will have power to morph into ANY of God's Creations (in the sense that He created your original ancestors) be they beautiful or in Kindness NOT .
The Husband Christ shall only need present an image to His Wife and she will change into that also gaining any Talents. but retaining Her personal personality. Adultery is Impossible with the SAME MIND wherein all is together always into the Eternity of memories shared.
" The thought (MIND) of adultery is the same as the act.", but here for Him an d Her the shall be not adultery or secrecies between MINDS. Only a random Face will be given the Her Facelessness.
NOW this can be so for all of you too if you reach Heaven. The high shall b low and the low shall be high. As this applies to beauty you pain women and men who have born this cross will be handsome and beautiful whereas some of those spoiled rich kids with good (expensive) genes and some Hollywood people (I have known some and know they were wonderful but others are not presenting what God gave them the "Talent" for and others who today claim to be actors really have NO GOD GIVEN Talents)
So here are female examples of His Life and your After-Life. I will add a few males too...
There will be no much thing as birth as we know it in Heaven for the shall be no Earth as a testing ground for them. (God's Heavenly Spoiled ????) However there is nothing to prevent Her, His wife from being also His little girl nor Him from being her son.
" I'm not nice, but I'll be your baby. "
In Heaven you can REALLY
BE anybody and DO anything.
All you need KNOW is how to
Google It.
This is what the GREAT TEACHER will TEACH to prepare you.
The name "Nadezhda" is Russian for the English word "HOPE" The many characters might suggest a greater meaning to them and consider their History.
The President is the MOST POWERFUL MAN /woman in the WORLD. So WHY if he REALLY is does he need so, so much protection ???
If I really asked this I think I would get the following answer ...