Would you, as the inventor and new company like to expand by incorporating just large enough to produce and sell 125,000,000 cars at let's say a 300 Dollar profit each?
That would net you before tax
Well yes, Elon Musk is worth more than that, but would you really care? Also the TRUCKS you would produce were not mentioned.
OK I want you to watch this...
So, YES if we produced longer lasting products and got rid of the FASHION FADISTS
it would take away work, but it NEED NOT take away INCOME in the sense of BUYING POWER.
If things lasted longer you would not have to buy as many replacements and you could wear that wide tie with narrow lapels until the began to look a little worn like those blue jeans that so many women wear holes in.
HECK, I was waiting for the MINIMALIST outfit.
I thought it would be just a pair of shoes !!!!
Now of course one MUST retain the earning power to buy PERISHABLES such as FOOD.
HOWEVER this is where a GOVERNMENT comes in. With proper management and timing let's say we could reduce the work week to 8 hours.
Let me go further and say that those 8 hours would be doing things you like to do such as in some cases your own hobbies. Lets say you like wood working. Well robots can shape a piece of Burl Walnut much faster and more precisely than you could ever do to mate with the metal door frame or dash. However robots make every piece the same. The only sign that tells where it is real wood or plastic is the random grain. However if you, a human man or woman carved the outer, visible surface each of my cars would be slightly unique. It would be like a monogram without a monogram that the used car buy tried to avoid.
So the trick for the government to pull off would be to give you the same buying power for just doing what you like to do (hobbies) as you get now working 10 hour days (I included RUSH HOURS i and out). It would require a new economic system NOT CAPITALISM though investment would bring interest profits based on risk and NOT Communism but something NEW which is in my mind.
All sorts of 3D hand carving could be done for only a slight increase in price, NOT the typical $3,000 to $5,000 "PACKAGE in a typical "luxury car".
OK for this we much return to yesteryear when American cars were just as big and heavy AND the BEST in the WORLD.
It's the same amount of sheet metal, just stamped into a different shape. Now sure a bigger car burns more fuel but electricity is more efficient. So what if 25% more batteries are needed? NOTE: I am also trying to find a way to increase range and solve that problem of very poor battery performance in cold weather.
OK, it looks like I will have to do something with the headlights but hey, I like those chrome bumpers more than the plastic ones that cost $700 US Dollars to replace. Chrome bumpers can be re-stamped into shape if tooling is not discarded.
INSURANCE COMPANIES also decided for you to force even Aston Martin to put 4 seats in their Million Dollar 2 seaters. Huh???
So how would you newlyweds and you empty nesters? Wouldn't you like a nice 2 seater that did not empty your wallet in price or fuel to travel the scenic highways???
You will note that the Aston Martin is not as small as a BMW Z4
The squatty little thing would not survive anymore than
THIS thing
If it was hit by a pickup truck.
By the way, have you ever wondered why those insurance companies require bouncy bumpers on car but NOT ON PICKUP TRUCKS weighing a ton more empty.
Right now is the electric revolution for cars and all but a few are going JET JACKSON CRAZY in styles. They cannot figure what to do without a front grill . The sports cars do not have as much of a problem, but the luxury cars do. In fact BMW have to build 2 full size models, the one in the top photo and the EQS which just is not very pretty once it gets a little dust on it.
The rear of the EQS is ok but the sides and front will fade into history like this did... even before the bench seat fell out...
I read somewhere that the average price of a home in America is $270,000 USD. In most places that does not buy a very spectacular home. However I have ideas so that that price would buy a home with $450,000 worth of curb appeal and the same footprint.
If you saw this through a link on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook or elsewhere and you are interested in investments contact me through the page messaging.