My YF-16 Patch
(( Bottom - Right ))
is the oldest
My patch with other classification examples...
 VISTA F-16D [Michael Weinberger Collection]  General Electric F110 Maintenance Awareness 1998 [patchman collection]  General Electric F110 Maintenance Awareness 2000-2001 [patchman collection]  HAF JHMCS specialists patch (life support equipment shop) from 115 Combat Wing [patchman collection]  Midnight Falcon Block 30 F-16C NVIS Lighting [Asif Shamim collection]  F-16 Vulcan patch early design [Dave Wood collection]  F-16 CFT Development Team Patch [Dave Wood collection]  Early design for Fighting Falcon swirl. [Dave Wood collection]  F-16 small cap patch [Dave Wood collection]  Quality Perfection 4th Perfect Delivery patch [Dave Wood collection]  Pratt & Whitney/HAF Peace Xenia IV F100-PW-229 Engine patch [patchman collection]  General Dynamics YF-16 prototype patch [Bob Burlison collection]