My comment to a WISER member of Facebook Group " PRAYERS 4 PRESIDENT TRUMP "
Sent by GOD
NOT for
What you THINK
In his 1st Campaign he always complained of then President Obama play golf.
Trump is Happy taking in all of Obama's golf FEES.
See Trump even sucker Obama into buying an overpriced cheap hat.
Obama gave him the SHIRT off his back.
Here is my Comment from Facebook
Greetings & WELCOME Carl Prude. You are with me. ou have mind to KNOW, to SEE, to UNDERSTAND. My Blog Specific POST for YOU How to SEE How much TIME do you have left? My STATE OF __________ADDRESS My WORLD SOMETHING WONDERFUL FOCUS AMERICA The CANDID Candidate CAN-DO (USAF slogan) OK it's TIME to "give your 2 cents" NOW in 2020 UPDATED to 2021
While I am here I might as well add...
Well, I was going to share the whole story of "In the Beginning"...not the one you are thinking about but long before it to the Beginning of God up till now.
Hwever it was on Facebook but now I cannot find it. Likely it was deleted. Frustrating for I cannot repeat it. God gives me rhetoric but once, then if lost I cannot recreate it. So we must wait in hopes it is found
I will share it again if found by an ada

This is far in advance, but why should you vote for me in 2024?
In 2024 I will be only a month shy of age 77 like Biden is now. You all laugh at him for not being able to complete a sentence. Perhaps I will become the same, but my grandfather was I think 5 or 90 as I recall and not a bit senile. Nor was the 104 year old woman I knew.
My Facebook post copied here because all of a sudden Facebook had a problem posting the copy to another group. So you can read t while they are "working on it".
Several times when I was hurting maybe from some false witness against me or other persecution God has arranged for me to see the following words from someone here on Facebook.
"Bad things happen to good people". This helps me recover for those words slip your mind when in the middle of turmoil.
So, here is a true story from the newspaper and how I was indirectly involved.
Do you consider your Ministers (Bishops or Priests) to be "good people"? Well here is what happened.
A semi was running along the highway. Just behind was a van driven by a Minister. His wife was beside him and his kids in the back.
Now the mud flaps behind a semi-trailer's rear tires to block gravel and water spray are held on basically with a piece of steel "angle iron". Steel rusts.
God allowed or de to the slim odds maybe arranged for the angle iron to fall off when the Minister was following instead of some other random bloke. Even further God allow that one end of the bouncing steel point up just as the Minister's fuel tank passed over it and spear a hole in it. Even further the other end of the steel was held down hard enough to make sparks on the concrete pavement. YES the van burst into flames.
The Minister and his wife managed to get out in time but the rear door was locked. They frantically fought to open the door as their children burned alive resulting in severe burns to their hands.
How I was sort of involved...
A night or two after reading the news I was driving thru an area of small industrial buildings. There was enough light to see even if I had not had my headlights on. I saw something in my path and slowed t a crawl to pass over it. Just as I neared it I saw that it was a mud flap with the steel still attached. I glanced left at a trailer in a delivery bay and it was missing one flap. To my memory the flap and the trailer were yellow. So I stopped at the police station 1/2 block away to report it. I was hoping it would lead to a law requiring periodic inspection of these flaps. But no, the night dispatcher in police uniform looked at me like "why are you bothering me about it?" It was not the only time police have ignored me.
I had a sort of cop friend in Dallas because we so often bumped into each other in a Denny's restaurant -coffee shop in Dallas. he always was friendly with a big smile.
So one night I was sitting at the bar in a small nightclub when Hollywood Henderson walked in and sat at one of those high 2 stool tables. So I went over to chat a little. But in seconds he got and walked to a door I did not know was there due to the dark lighting. When he opened it I saw carpeted stairs probably up to the office. Why would a customer go to the office? Well, the next day news said that he was arrested again for cocaine possession. Hmmm, could it be that I now knew his supplier?
Returning to that smiling cop, the next time I met him in Denny's I tried to tip him off but he just smiled and sad "Oh, that's not my territory". Now i am sure he could have found a cop for that territory at the station. Hmmm, could he be always smiling because he was paid off and living the good life?
NowI got trapped in a very complex international scam. The local police told me they had Mafia contacts in Florida (I am in southern Illinois) and that the new DELL laptop I transhiped was bought with stolen credit cards. There was a phone number on the box . So I called to thank the daughter who was a friend of my romance scam lover for using her mother's card to buy the laptop instead of getting a cash advance. The plan was to sell the laptop in her country for airfare to me. But her sister who was the only who messaged me that my over was ready to commit suicide because I was breaking up with her, that same sister insisted on keeping the laptop for herself. Of course all of this was lies. Jumping to another of her lies, she told me that she had visited a friend in a town in Louisiana before visiting relatives in Mexico. We had had an argument (my mind was bouncing back and forth scam/no scam so arguments happened. In spite of this if she had a way to fly to Louisiana in the USA and then on to Mexico, why did she fly back home instead of to me? She even sent an X-ray image of her leg she broke in Mexico, but it healed in less that the time and a break so close to the ankle would take longer. ANYWAY THE ISSUE IS COPS. I looked at a Google map for the town mentioned by the scam lover. It was not on the map. So how could she know of it on the other side of the Atlantic? In fact they knew so little of US geography that the last attempt by Mafia to entrap me as last in possession of stolen merchandise was sent to a Best Buy in my name for pick up. The Best Buy is 200 miles away. I could not just call the local police as I did to hand over the home theater unit and a few other things. They told me to just ignore and leave it there at Best Buy so I would not be arrested. Returning to the Google map with tat town missing it dawned on me to zoom in. Sure enough the town too tiny for the map appeared. It is very close to the Florida border where the scam gang overseas has Mafia contacts. It is also not far from the Gulf of Mexico where a simple small yacht could anchor and offload kilos of cocaine. A soft spot in our border. I call the police in that town and a nice sounding woman answered. I asked a few questions and said thank you and goodnight. I believe the town only has maybe 2 cops and at night one is home on call. Could there be a nice old couple living in a farm house that everybody trusts outside of town.? Could there be the usual old tattered barn behind the farm house.? Could the cracked and loose boards of the barn be lined inside with black plastic sheeting to block the bright lights while the drug cartel cuts the cocaine? Well, I tried to tip the FBI that they should check this possibility out. I called the FBI in Chicago and a voice like a high school kid answered. He was diplomatic but useless. He could not grasp what I was trying to report. For some reason he could not take a message for his superiors. So I think I called the FBI in Detroit. Another high school voice. South Carolina - high school voice. If you try to report something not on the FBI most wanted the kid has no list to point to the number. So if you know something, forget it.
Now you may have noticed that I have not given the name of that tiny town. After the FBI thing I decided to keep it secret to myself. Reason: Defunding of police, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. BLM is classified as a legal State militia. Therefore I can merge perhaps 3,000 combat experience men and some women who want to fight but have no leader. Also they fear that before they could do much action they would be killed by police, National Guard, FBI or arrested. They do not know how to contact others like them. The stand alone like I do. So the "CITIZEN MAFIA" which I am planning can also be a legal militia. There will be no shake downs of shop keepers, trafficking, gambling other than our lives, or loan sharking. However if we could form up in time for that 17 year old boy who shoot 2 ANTIFA in self defense and is charged with murder we could "tamper" with the jury AND the Libtard JUDGE who charge the boy would resign to next day after an untraceable phone call. It is possible that the militia need military grade weapons like illegal armor piecing bullets not to use against police but I think the well armed BLM marching in uniforms were wearing bullet proof vests. A rocket propelled grenade launcher is a way to breach a door from a distance so it is open when our men fight their way to it. One shoot of an RPG costs $1,500 so rocket propelled grenades are a last resort. All these thing can be bought on the streets of Libya, Lebanon or even off Facebook if you know the names of the secret groups. Now you have an idea of the immense cost of having even a small military. As President I have hopes to convince key opposing militaries to reduce (scrap) 25% of their heavy weaponry. My theory is that that is just enough to prevent conflicts using just conventional non-nuclear weapons. I do not know if I can. There is also the conflict of US scrapping one of these perfectly good planes since the taxpayers already paid much more than it is worth as scrap (You paid $20 million each) Video...
As I said I may not be able to sell any F-16 fighters to drug lords LOL. However I do have a sure plan to cut to cost of maintaining our TRIDENT nuclear submarine defense force while at the same time increasing it's deterrency 50 or 100 time. I estimated it to cost only 40% of the current tax dollars. The whole world will relax a little for should there ever be nuclear war with Russia or China those noncombatant or neutral countries would not see significant increase in background radiation causing many case of cancer or fish too radioactive to eat like those found near Bikini Island where we tested many bombs both atomic and hydrogen. I am too tired to detail now but secrecy is little necessary. The reduced security is why I estimated 40% of current cost instead of 60%.
Now after all te burning and looting and anarchy is put down the CITIZEN MAFIA members can go home but stand by for a few year in case the forest fire of chaos sparks up again. But why not keep the legal militia ask a part of America. The old KKK is still here even though few want it. You see in the Kennedy days and before the Democrats were as good a Party as the Republicans. Having ore than one Part is good because a single party could morph into a Dynasty sort of like Communist China. The TRUMPS too could become a Royal Dynasty like the Colonists fought in 1776. That is one reason I seek office in 2024 after Donald TRUMP's second term. (see photo of Donald and his family crest. Have you ever heard of a King RUMP? No. Kings just created themselves in battle like William the Conqueror of England. Does Donald have an alternative of Royalty?) There is no worry of Barron Trump inheriting a crown and fathering more Trumps for the dynasty as long as every other administration is someone other than a TRUMP. So after me in 2024 Ivanka or Donald Junior can set in the President's chair. It would be no different that the 2 Bushes, 2 Roosevelts and the second Kennedy who almost won the White House but was assassinated.
Now where Jeb Bush thought about running for President I wrote him something like " Jeb, I am not against you as President, but I can't see cutting down another White House cherry tree to make room for more Bushes." LOL
Above I mentioned Hollywood Henderson. You may not have heard of him. So here are 2 videos.....
My most recent photo. Yes, though over a year younger the TRUMP his "master bathroom " asa child was not like this with winter wind thru the cracks.
I was encouraged to go public with y ambition by the VIP treatment from the Thunderbirds people. I was still shy and afraid people would laugh and say I had delusions of grandeur. The latest photo of me is with the VA emergency room doctor. I do not know if the change is due to just the 7 and 3/4 years or having to work 7 day / night weeks to build my following and try to promote to the general American public without money to PAY THE BIASED MEDIA for a political commercial.
The local PBS TV and Radio would link stations for me to talk to We the People but that is illegal due to State support. So much for the word "Public" in PBS.
However I think I have found an organization that will help me, the American Legion. Tomorrow i expect a call so I can ask if they too are tied by some rule..
Yes I worked 7 day weeks without pay. Once on Twitter I had to force myself to finish a tweet about Hillary Clinton. The tweet was actually a link back to Blogger here because of the Twitter character limit. I was using one eye and blinking it fast to see thru the puss what I was typing. Another day or night I suddenly say bright red blood on the tissue I used to dry my eyes. Then there were the perhaps 50 trips to the VA emergency room or eye doctor. "We are running out of medicines to use on you". That meant I might go blind and still be incurably infected and in pain.
Two of the emergency room visits were by ambulance , screaming my lungs out all the way.
So, if this is not enough to earn my your attention, get a few to help share the fact that I exist then We the People are no longer worth my time or life.
For me the Oval Office is a matter of Honor to earn my dignity back after decades long unemployment. However I no longer need to $400,000 per year to save enough to retire well in just 4 years. By marriage I or we will soon have many times what I could save in the White House. In other word I don't need We the People, they need me. In fact it may be that my just in case plan which I must keep secret and will cost little if any tax dollars my save millions of American lives. TRUMP may already have a similar set up and he too would keep it secret so I cannot know but i doubt it. If he did set up the food and medicine stockpile and distribution system I am sure it did cost a lot of tax dollars. When he was first elected in 2016 he began building up the military and doing this and doing that. But I was wondering how he paid for it. Well before TRUMP the National Debt was 19 Trillion Dollars. The last i read no ore than 6 months ago it was 22 Trillion under TRUMP's Command. He said he would make Mexico pay for the WALL. Have you heard any news of money from Mexico? Now that 22 Trillion bucks was before anybody heard of COVID 19. Yes it destroyed all the jobs that TRUMP built up, but it was not his fault in the slightest. However now he have issues $1,200 COVID aid to so many only to have the Democrats claim it for something else. I would have received my $1,200 except for the chance happening that I was changing banks when it came and it bounced back. The check in the mail did not arrive for in that short time the Democrats had grabbed the cash. Somewhere way above I mentioned a CITIZEN MAFIA as permanent fixture in America. The Democrat's money grab is just such a case. The most powerful tool for We the People is a Convention of States. With it the People can force most anything into Law or remove most any Law. I messaged to simply pass a law moving all Congressional pay, benefits and retirement from the Federal Treasury responsibility to that of their individual home State Treasuries. No longer would the Congress vote for their own pay raises. Instead each individual U.S. Congress person would have to stand alone no free lawyer for asking for a raise is no crime Ha Ha) before his or her whole STATE Congress and plead his case for a raise. In some State he might get full pay in retirement as iis the case now. In other States he may get 1/2 his salary in retirement or none at all. It is the same wallet that pas both you Federal & State taxes, but some States have no tax on income. People there at least would save money. Also the income of the Congressman would match the economy of the State he represents most likely. So he would be more concerned with the standard of living of the people in his State that the State Congress depends on for votes than pork barrel politics that makes businessmen richer.
Finally I know "America loves a Winner" and I currently do ot look like one. However if you vote for me in 2024 or write me in in 2020 in the emergency of Donald and Mike being gone leaving you with only Pelosi and Biden or me. However soon I can afford initial physical therapy, then a gym membership. Who knows,I may be even athletic again by 2024. Actually one does not need strength in the push button Oval Office. You just need to know what to do and who to delegate the task to. Strength is needed to cheerlead like Trump. One man said he was nobody until TRUMP. Well if you believe in yourself you are somebody no matter who is President. The President's job is to open doors and make a path for you, not to say "That's a good boy". TRUMP does not hold so many rallies for you orhis "Trumpsters". I know from all the political donation emails he has sent me that he is actually I believe paranoid that he will loose against Biden as he was when running against Hillary. Could it be
that alternative wish for a family dynasty?
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