Race Is Ummm You tell me



BLACK man Investigates WHITE Poverty

Russian President Putin

For WHITE MEN ONLY How many hair & eye color combinations

Now questions for White Men after the video....

Have you not seen HOT


Native Americans


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WHITE WOMEN the ONLY ones who must 

Now I foundmany many videos about the white race but one, from the voice accent, was made by a black man.  It began ok but then became sickenly Racist and Prejudiced.

Now of course when it come to MARRIAGE most of you BOTH BLACKS AND WHITES want  "a girl just like dear old Mom"..."Mom's apple pie".

However there are occasional interracial marriages   In fact I saw such a couple once.  it was sad for they were not part of the "Beautiful People"   Both looked unhealthy but their baby sparkled like a diamond.  Cause it be the extreme genetic diversity of white man and black woman caused  this child?

Peer Pressure and "what would the neighbors think?'

This is a Billionaire I recently removed from my LinkedIn for personal unrelated reason.

Image result for dr james keough

He will gladly sell you a car, just contact his assistant.


200 million dollars

Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Bugati and names I do not know

He Has Class and Good Taste

He is an Influencer

He has no problem with "neighbors" though not necessarily in the house next door.

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Image result for dr james keoughImage result for dr james keough

With the Brilliant MINDED and  TALENTED

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His Facebook posts

He likes Classic movie stars like Loretta Young, Now Loretta Old.

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He also likes WOMEN as I do and the US President 

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And I want to steal these

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Image may contain: 7 people, people standing

But NO, he is a Married Man
Here are some Family Pictures to prove it.

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Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, selfie and closeup

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, selfie and closeup

When they go out in the boat together the Wildlife are So Tame they come right up to the boat.

Now that I have primed the pump here is my word on Racism

Sure there are races I find unattractive, BUTT in the MINDS of their men they are.

There is a small area under the front of the brain while causes you to have male or female instincts.
The 2 genders are shaped like this...

()   and    )(
I do not recall which is which.
My theory is this part of the brain also controls the fetus to develop male or female.

However it recently dawned on me that this piece of brain, though it can cause sexual stimulation to the opposite sex which is so variable just as a big dog recognizes a Chihuahua in heat.  Yet this tiny piece of brain can tell real human from sculpture (or Sophia the robot) and so is neutral to them just as it is to all non-human species or even the Great Apes (wonder how we evolved then).  So that is the only reason people must wear clothing while the rest of the animal kingdom runs around naked.  Oh one more reason..you get to that exclusive beach at Monticello and see it overcrowded with barely dressed pot bellies.  Put some clothes on PLEASE.

Are you getting my point?
Racism is all in your head, that tiny piece of your brain.  I think that tiny piece is the biggest piece of both those who REALLY are RACISTS and even worse those who call everything white people do Racism.  Before I was politically versed I voted for Obama BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK, expecting a breeze of fresh air.    I did not know he grew up rich.   All I knew was the meaning when black people say "soul brother"   It is their ability to see into a soul , even though a white man and know he too has had it hard.  When I fell in the vA hospital, "MAN DOWN< MAN DOWN yelling all black voices.  When I almost fell in the cafeteria again another black jumped up from his table and ran 30 feet to help me stand up and took my tray to fill it for me.

HOWEVER when he became president Obama said something to imply that even I was a racist, yes me....a relative of Abe Lincoln.
He was damned lucky he was surrounded by Secret Service.
(I must interject my personal family knowledge.   This may tell Queen Elizabeth something about 'Royal Blood" passing generation to generation.  I have seen hypocrisy and low intellect and cowardliness in my family.  I was told my eldest aunt would not eat food if she found out it was prepared by a black person.  Also when I visited her in skilled care she would not finish her food so I would push her wheelchair back to her room.  If I had know it was because she was embarrassed to be with me because of my beard I would not have visited, just let her rot there.)

So MEN, "variety is the spice of life", but marriage ends that.   You are stuck with the same old suit  be it white or black.

Now have you noticed a common thread in the women I have presented?  They are pretty.  Have you noticed women demonstrating in the street, yelling discrimination and racism are very often UGLY and repulsive?   True i care for the plain women for they too have feelings and love the "great abs" they will never get.  But WOW, an ugly face can bare an ugly Soul to go with it.
I have a couple of personal experiences of there rage when I was trying to be neighborly.

I read that it is in the order of black -  white  - Oriental.  Yes Anglo-Americans were dumber than the Japs.  Indeed we had both radar and a prediction but we let them fly in and bomb Pearl Harbor totally surprised.  We are letting Muslims in the same way.   The Native Americans know Islam considers it okay to LIE in order to be accepted for the Muslims themselves tell us this.   "Some of our words are lies, but we won't tell you which words".
The old Indian Chief says 
"Muslim Speak with Forked Tongue" meaning like the tongue of a snake.  Hey, did the serpent Satan French kiss Eve to make her eat the apple?
See how things come in circles?  Perhaps this is how God knew our future and how infinitely predictable Mankind is.

RETURNING to intelligence the article said that a cross section of a black person's hair was shaped like a figure 8 causing it to be curled tightly.   An Oriental hair is circular causing it to be straight and lie flat.  White people have an intermediate cross section.

So, there is a tabor which grows in Africa (under ground of course so out of sight).  The women use is as a shampoo - conditioner.
So how did the first woman know to stop looking around for hungry lions and look down at the "weed"?   Even further how did she know she had to carefully dig it up rather than pulling on the stem and breaking it?   Hey God sends messages to His Black children too.  In fact your intelligence you ar so proud of comes from God.  Your brain is roughly the size of everybody else's brains.

How does it compare?  God created US in His Image.  Hence we too MUST be Creators and we created the computer to "act" in our image.  Okay take you computer offline.  How much can you do without the internet to God?  Yes you have old data offline (picture, download and documents).  But what if you need new information like what to use that big tuber you dug up for, or the website for something.  You cannot Google God offline.   Of course God is never offline but you have to know how to surf Him.

So, do you call the other race a cracker or the N word?  Walk a mile in their shoes.  Primitives in the Amazon Jungle have no shoes.  Yes they are lesser in ability or skill (like you are so quick to light your cigar by rubbing two sticks together).  Consider how they live without air conditioning.  Sort of makes you look the weak wimp doesn't it?
You call the other race a bad name then walk over and pet your ugly mutt dog.  I repeat.  You do not have to be attracted to treat with respect.  In fact you did not have the word in your vocabulary until a black woman sang R E S P E C T.

HOWEVER I WARN YOU BLACKS.   Other whites may suck it up and walk away but this happened to me.
I was in Chicago to apply for my G.I. Bill to go back to college.    I heard a loud black voice yell some nasty insult.  I don't recall, something like chicken shit.   Immediately I stopped to scan for the source from the projects across the street and a way in for the steel gates and high perimeter wall blocked me front attacking on their own black turf and doing some bare handed damage.

Successful blacks never insult me.  In fact I am often called "Bro", I am linkedIn with a black businessman in /Canada, a black who does videos called Common Sense something, a rapper called the Rapsodist  But youtube his tough words about getting a job and supporting your woman and such.  He is sort of a 4 letter word Evangelist.

Speaking of successful blacks, how is it they were not successful in /Africa but are in America and now with our training  those blacks remaining in Africa are even piloting passenger jets?

Well they could only gather enough iron ore to make spear tips.   Unlike the bare rock mountains we minded for iron to build the railroads and ships the mountains of Tanzania are overgrown by vegetation.  Out of sight, out of mind.   They did not see petroleum bubbling up in the water as led to the first oil well because , too my knowledge there is no oil in /Africa.

Here is my guess.  Someonne said to me many decades ago that possibly the "mark" that God put on Cane and all his descendants before driving him out into the wilderness where no seed would grow for him (unsuccessful in all ventures), that the "mark " was dark skin.  Cane killed Able out of jealousy.  Blacks yell slander at whites out of jealousy of their higher standard of living, demand Welfare and other special treatment then turn around and kill the whites providing all these things.  Hmmm   African blacks do not respect Afro-Americans who just purposely blow their great American birthright.  Could it be that removing blacks from Africa  (the wilderness where nothing grew for them) allowed success?  Are not the descendants of slaves better off than the more primitive African tribes today?   Note all were primitive in the days when non-whites captured the blacks and sold them to us.  In those days there was something called a bonded servant.  This was a white boy.  A man in America would pay for his passage from England to America in return for the boy's service (basically chores like heavy farm work) I think until the boy reached the age of 21.   So white people might have been naive about actually buying the whole human instead of just the ship ride due to the similarity.

Anyway blacks are successful but their skin is still dark.  That "mark" remains so cps can type cast you, and whites can keep you in the corner of their eye until they are sure you are "tame and domesticated" after leaving the "WILDerness".

I will get only a few hour sleep before getting on the van to the hospital 80 miles away.  So I want to finish with what i plan to share with my friend Mariah Carey (photo)
Before she followed me I was unaware.   She has black dancers behind her when singing (I had not seen her black husband yet), she can sing like a black or a white, she likes African Rap music (she sent it to me every day but not her out music)   I like African rap which is mellow not like being yelled at.  So I asked and was told "Yeah she is black".

So Mariah, how are you Baby?  I figured out how you became what you are.
Watch this video for the Queen's milk bath scene.

Honey, your Daddy put too much Cream in the Coffee..

There is My Agenda, There is My Platform....Then there is this which I may not get

The ROMAN Republic before Caesar's Dictatorship was okay but what we have is a joke. It is an illusion to pacify that you got your wish by putting the black spot on a ballot. A huge number are still crying because Hillary lost.
Today I turned on the car radio to the Christian station which usuallly teaches me something. For example that per medical research my 7 day weeeks cause weight gain and all other symptoms, that others grasp things about God's mentality as if they had read my bok minus the physics.. However today it was real back woods. In all seriousnes a caller aske dif the Earth was flat. Now the modrrator was mor epatient thanme. So he explained in relation to airplanes and satellite orbits.
However when it comes to voting rights should a flat Earth believer (or ANIFA) have the right to decide who will modify the TRIDENT NUCLEAR DEFENSE so the Whole World is safe and the 3 powers save a lot of money? Sure the idiot on the radio is a minority so the intellectual Belll curve is not noticeably affected yet a big percentage voted for trump based on is carisma, the pro-wrestling scene where he is allowed to shave of a former wrestler's hair and push him backwards over a break away table.. Trump knows there is a stupid vote but I have been getting surprise after surprise. I HATE FREE DUMB.
So there is something called the Electoral College and I am not sure you even need a high school diploma to be in it. So it is my intent if elected or Vice President to push for some Amendments. A modified Republic requiring a little more than age to vote could destroy the Democratic Party Ha Ha. REquiring a college degree to be in the Electoral College does not remove your vote. The current form of Electoral College does change who is elected from who would have been if the Fed. Gov. required one man, one vote for Fed level elections. When I was you you might meet a new neighbor and their son. They might proudly say he is the first to go thru college. I was the first to do so. Yet when I voted do you not think I considered the farmer? My paternal grandfather farmer with mule teams. I do not know what my maternal grandfather used way back 11 miles by the Eleven Point River in Arkansas (I met a man who claimed to own land by that river. He said the movie Deliverance was filmed along the river instead of in Georgia, the lowest populaton density State due to the isolation). I know the family picked cotton and the book (1956) Journey through the Springtime mentons my grandmother. My cousin was crushed in a coal mine to the point that the undertaker was crying when he asked for a photo to sculpt a likeness. My father was in a number of railroad derailments due to bad track and once ran out and dangled between the engine and first freight car to kick the bar decoupling the engine . then he race back and went full throttle to outrun the dominoing cars, saving engine and crew. Do you think that this big college man would not have considered the efect on the "little people" of his vote if he was voting on their behalf?
Also a second vote for military veterans and active duty. Sure just because of the military does not make them necessarily smarter but it teaches them to use what smarts they have to stay alive. There is more to this first amendment, mostly adding votes for various things, but I am tired and must finish this critical post while clear headed.
The Second Amendment(yeah I know I confused you. It's MY 2nd amendment, not the 2nd already in the Constitution). will alllow not deportation but exile , the only thing you can do to a citizen by birth. NUMBER ONE CASE. In the Hippie era it was discovered that there were not enough prison cells for drug users, addicts or recreational. So instead we went after Drug Lords (calle pushers then) and Cartels. Hey I had a hard life, parental abuse, not enough money for a cool car and such. I was not so weak as to resort to drugs (if I had had the money). See the photos. Tattooos are not my cup of tea but nobody would (if sober) get such crude tattoos. It shows the mentality.So, pay / bribe some Central American country to fence in a compound with open gate but in order to have some protection for junkies unable to defend themselves. Pay say $25 per month for this plus $100 per month for bottled water if the local source has something Americans ar not immune too. Free drugs "Made in America by Americans" would end the market for the drug business. Getting free drugs the junkies would take more and more until OD. Then we can stop paying the $125 per month and get an open bunk fro another junkie.
I will stop short again for it gets complex. How do you exile a Congressperson for TREASON BY IGNORANCE?
Part of my second amendment would cover BENEFICIARY EXILE wherein partial or full WELFARE is paid, but in a country where that money goes further. "Rich" American (Afro-American) Welfare recipients living in Ghana (African Gold Coast (photo) would have purchasing power to create jobs for those withno other than scamming. The old slave prison still stand in memorial there so though tribal ancestry has been mixed in the USA it is the best we can do to return them "home".(Yes some on Welfare have familyu working and it would be cruel to separate a working man from grandparents, cut the red-tape). Likewise prison cost would be reduced and racial tension totally ended by lettign the Ghanaian Gov. subcontract the prison duty. More details and looophole closing to mention but I really need sleep.
ANTIFA complains that minimum wage is so low they must live with their parents. Lucky their parents allow it. I had to work chores hard to stay "home" instead of "LET HIM GO LIVE WITH HIS REAL FATHER (the railroad engineer)". Just to finish high school senior year. So I have no sure was to compare quality of life for ANTIFA at over $10.000 per hour compared to my $1.25 per hour. But not I heard they lan to buy guns from drug cartels and I think go to Washington to shoot cops or congress. When I made $1.25 I had to save most for college in order to be WORTH more to an employer. Guns are not cheap. Nor are the black uniforms (extra socializing dress). So it would have to be a trial / IQ test decision. Exile for National Disgrace or Exile for Benefit. If all they can be taught is subsistence farming we can afford a $100 per month Welfare subsidy. I mean it is unlikely they will need month for concert tickets (Classical) for them and guests. I know a man in beautiful Tanzania plus a Canadian who does business there. It is i think the richest outside of South Africa yet there is subsistence farming in places.
Now let me jump to the END EFECT I wish to create. America is past the industrial world, space is conquered as far as need be. As President I would stop all funds for "bbright young kids to draw cartooons of "POSSIBLE" alien life. Unless I can be given a good reason the man on Mars work would end. Yeah my theory is that Mount Olympus on Mars was once the planet's molten core full of heavy metals like GOLD (and uranium which might make it dangerous for a human with minimal tools to separate out the gold) . So what good is gold if the return spacecraft (NASA calls a tiny capsule a spacecraft) if you do not have enough fuel to thrust that weight home or at least enough to PAY FOR THE WHOLE ROUND TRIP? As for alien life God could have made it look just like us being an efficient model. Per my boook, Star Trek type space travel is impossible in physical form but quite easy in spiritual form. So why spend tax dollars staring into space for habitable planets. If we over populate is it so important to seed another planet with humanity and perhaps kill off the original planet inhabitants? Of course that would not happen for we could not build a ship large enough even for a good genetic specimen. Children on the spaceship would ask "Daddy, what will I be when I grow up?" "Oh you will be a spaceship pilot because I am a spaceship pilot. I don't do much since the launch". "What's a pilot Daddy?" Yeah you have to teach the next generation. Also did you notice that I used the Cast System. Why waste money and lives when after you are a spirit God will glady make you an Enterprise and enjoy watching you play great explorers inside His creation. Hmm I just reduced your tax bill 3 or 4 ways.
Pardon my drift from the industrial and space era before mentioning the present information era. This is America today. No longer does just a high school diploma allow you to design aircraft like Fred MacMurry on the old t?v series My Three Sons. WE are not yet ready for "Star Fleet Academy" Why? Did I not tell you you must be dead, spirit? However we are ready, if I can realize my visions for the near future (Just planning an d construction time) for Earth Trek Academy.under my "Stepping Stone" educational system.
America love a winner or the best man (all except women who marry the groom and leave the best man standing in the chapel). MAGA, then MAG with cars A, then just MAG = Make America GREATER.. No longer can we build cars with costly repairs simply because the mechanics are goood at finding the right parts breakdown book to open the dash and finfd the body control module and throw the whole black box away which only needed a 10 cent resistor. New York and C?hicago have 150 year old buildings which have long paid for themselves which are an ugly blight. Look at Singapore, Malaysian, Vietnam and Dubai all with glistening architectural marvels. China too which had to build the runway for our n"flying Tigers" in World War 2 buy carring stones in wicker baskets. That is barely over my lifetime or since trump is still healthy and a year older his lifetime. All but the island of Japan are connected by a modern expressway (drive on left) all the way into India. America is stagnant. Why? No place to build with old buildings in the way. Builders neeed jobs so the look OUT into wild animal habitat instead of looking IN to the inner city to make it a safer and mor epleasant commute from suburbs to downtown highrises. I do not hate TRUMP for God has a purpose for him. But he will not respond to any suggestion. Henc ehe is a stumbling block and nuisance to me.
I cannot go on. God Bless.
Photos: 1. 3 junkies, sadly one is dying of bennies it appears.
2. Ghana Gold jewelry, gold bars, stamped gold ingots.
Ghana forests (limber industry and preserves.
3. Tropical Ghana and Ghana beauty (gold mining and dead bodies not shown).
4. Some black people. Let me ask, how do you think an Afro-American Minority former Welfar recipient feel when more everybody he or she met on the streeet was black? Yes I said former Welfare. Just by oving them to Ghana where $350 US Dollars per month is goood pay we already save what? 60%. But can you seeee the potential tropical paradise for Welfare recipients, the morale boost which coudl make then study in a much less competitive country. I am going t see what Dream Homes are like in Ghana (don't go away). Seeing this opportunity plus African peer pressure. (Afro-Americans who FAIL their opportunity in America ar enot respected by Africans).would at least drive our current Welfare population to try to earn part of their own living. We could arrange just a 25 cent Welfare deduction for each dollar they eared in Ghana so just $200 earned (remember $350 is a good pay) would cut $50 off Welfare per person.
5. Luxury living quarters available in Ghana (one intermediate size home under construction).
Now there are ghanaian natives who do not speak English. Hence no jobs and they starve in the streets. My woman had some kind of ritual due to our saying the Hell with government and marrying ourselves before God. The charity part cost me $100 and yes it hurt on my income, but she walked the streets that night and for $100 handed out 300 packaged meals. So, as i said our Welfare would be somewhere in the Ghana middle class. You do not have to speak English to use a lawn mower. Welfare people could have some servants to cut grass and clean house even. Then they also would learn a lesson in what living rough really is.
6. Ghana night life ( white tourist club not shown)
7. Ghana churches (minus the Muslim). The last ultramodern is the Ghana National Cathedral.
8. Medical care: Yes one photo is labeled hospitals without beds but that can be fixed. Also not a hospital but a high quality clinic I think had a free doctor for my woman but expensive medicine (on my budget). Also when her fater was sick she had to sort of take care and bring him food.
9. Gold mining is NOT the kind of wrk Welfare people would adapt to. Yes some is done with huge heave equipment but most by hand. I did not find the photo of mud from a collapsed retaining wall. Floating on the surface of thick mud are the fingers of two black hands. The Chinese are mining illegally. I got caught in a partially gold based scam. So I just picked one photo of 2 white mining businessmen. Don't try it if you nare a candy ass..
SORRY. I ran over the 42 photo limit and had to delete some of you tour.

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  Please bare with me.  I have only a smartphone to type/typo. Also I asked my friend at the election commission to delete me as a president...