Do YOU SEE in this way OR
this way?
Walk IN
(of a truck. You have to DIE
Dumb Ass Church People:
How many minutes of your Life waiting for it did you need to figure out your Microwave oven? How many YEARS have you gone to church? You have not learned. Ministers, Priests, Bishops: You say you can teach. Please TEACH your congregations to SHUT UP. I seldom go to church except a couple of years as a Mormon because it was filling a gap in Biblical History. Every time I go to a new church within 1 or 2 minutes someone realizes he has not SSEn me before.
"Hello, Welcome, my name is Matt. Do you believe in Jesus? Are you a Sinner? Have you Been Born Again?
"Hello, Welcome, my name is Matt. Do you believe in Jesus? Are you a Sinner? Have you Been Born Again?
My reply:
Hi, number one yes, number tow yes, number three NO.
IDIOTS. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN ON EARTH. IT HAPPENS IN HEAVEN OR ON THE WAY THERE AS WHEN JESUS APPEARED IN THE SPIRIT AND I AM HERE, DO NOT TOUCH ME ( He was on R & R Leave. If He had been touched the hand would had just gone inside Him like reaching into air. So were the "R"s DANGER to Him...Radio interference with His Link to God & Heaven (same thing, you will just be with God who is EVERYTHING.
Everything you wanted to in life but no money or time, even "Draw" against Marshal Dillon(Gunsmoke) in the REAL Old West or you can Draw your gun against Phyllis Diller. Weak does not fear strong in Heaven. Girls, great ads are meant to make plowing a field behind a mule like my grandfather did easy so he can feed you. Military wives have to dealt with the sword not yet pounded into a plow share.
Admiral Kirk is old now but he can still get you a cheap flight.
Why he is not on the "Bridge" NOW?
The Admiral was busted out of Star Fleet buy me.
The "Officer" dressed like a two stripe Corporal who gets "in the face" of people he does not know, well the say "Sorry OFFICE" simply to make him stop and listen so he does not "bust"." them for drunk driving. I did that but once (standard practice to get attention not brown nosing). To save my brakes I was using engine back pressure to slow from and 85 mph pass on a 2 lane highway in a 55mph zone.
(I have a degree from Tulane University in that)
You have EYES
Can you SEE what I am doing with double meanings and Parables with the English LANGUAGE?
the Citizenship LOTTERY:
"I will NOT press 1 for ENGLISH"
1. I am telling or teaching you and throwing in jokes so you don't fall asleep in class.
Foreigners are not stupid.
I saw a tribe in the Amazon Jungle.
Ocasional Laughs might meant one said something funny like I am doing but even I do not have the POWER tell then a joke. They do not have a 1 button for their language.
2. Any language can absorb English words like "thought" which is real French from the Normans when French was the international business, technical, Diplomatic and Royal language.
3. CAR REVIEWERS for BMW, Mercedes, Genesis, Rolls Royce speaking German, Russian or Chinese insert "XDrive, Ambient Light" because no word in their language. A Russian lady friend is or was a Director of something with 25 letters +/- My computer cannot translate it which suggest there is not business counterpart in the English speaking world.
To the Whole WORLD
(except that Amazon tribe. I am afraid to Amazon.com Customer Service. AMAZON WOMEN scare me.)
Does this give you a HINT of how and what God did at the Tower of Babble? NO He was not frightened by the Skyscraper and you do not have to be afraid of the 13th Floor. Elevators do not have a 13 or English BUTTON (REALLY, superstitions must be accounted for in engineering)
To the Industrial & Information WORLD
Yes you are sort of smarter
are you more
than the Third World
or even these two?
1. An American Indian (who got a work visa for a job here in IT) Witch Doctor had a bleeding wound had a Bleeding Emergency and had to act fast. He noticed some moss on a tree and grabbed as "gauze" to applied pressure. This is what I have seen in American Expensive Medicine. The Witch Doctor saw the obvious common sense just a man in a boat on the Bayou swamp with a hole in the boat stuck his handkerchief in not complicated as applying pressure at the same time so Medical people EARN that money just like wealthy Navy men when they apply pressure to a breach in a submarine to save somebody's life (Like EVERY-BODY) Now I have the only intelligent "shrink" at the VA who grasps my jokes. In fact the VA office for my Disability pay would not send the REAL amount I get as income which caused NOT a VA but a Medicaid Co-payment to triple above my ability so I could not get needed Dental cleanings (DEEP SCALE REQUIRING PAIN NUMBING) to avoid another $4,000 PAINFUL surgery due to trying to save money (long term jobless long off the government record so President TRUMP & OBAMA could say jobs are good. "TRUMP cares for the FORGOTTEN" but forgot to reply to 38 or 40 messages (he sent 2 emails but none about the 35 messages I sent asking for a job hard than his because I would have rush hour driving and more issues that I have heard about him). I can do this only via computer link or secure email, secure phone and occasional visits to the White House, CIA, Pentagon, ALL agencies as needed.
I was not afraid of the pain of the surgery because pain is routine for me and not ordinate old age arthritis. By now inflation would force to to sell my home to pay for it an freezing scares me o death and I could smother inside the undertaker's refrigerator. "Oh I can't breathe. Save me."
Remember the Witch Doctor?
Here is another uneducated moron like Jesus picked for a Disciple.
2. Hey Back Lives Matter thugs. Well REAL ones like this woman do. African Blacks do not respect Afro-Americans who Blow their BIG Chances (HEY TOUGH GUY, BLOW ME. You could now handle High School or find a word in Webster's Dictionary. So you GREAT CREATORS invent an unneeded new language called (Jive) to make it impossible for you to get jobs. My fiancee in the the WHITE Minority where the old Slave Prison which held them until a Slave Ship arrived to take then to America OR Haiti from which I never heard the word "Slave". She has intelligence to speak 2 languages and a little of a third. However only English (her's is better than a lot of English I get from American women.)
However 2 of my fiancee's languages are as useless as your JIVE outside her country. Like the low pay soldier in Afghanistan learned Arabic to interrogate people, ask directions or gain local support will be useless to ge a Blue Collar job but an intelligence factor or management level.
I hope to use my fiancee's wasted languages when hopely she is the
American First Lady
from Africa
unlike Obama's Michele.
If My People do not elect me I can move to Russia and become their
Tzar-Castic Muther
of the Country
RETURNING from my Tangent, a primitive black woman is walking in Africa watching out for President THUMP or a Wealthy Game Hunter who can shoot straight and has Graven concrete Images of lions at his mansion gate and ME TOO as my original political logo a year before TRUMP was know.
Mine is not as pretty as his ART paintings but is a MOVING experience
So, SUDDENLY for no reason she look ed down at a weed and ignoring lions dug it up because a potato plant breaks before can pull the potatoes out of the ground.
something the size of a cantaloupe full of something like tapioca pudding.
It worked as a great shampoo she could witout water in the African Veldt
it dried to a non-greasy hair control
she became a Rich Cosmetics Celebrity.
Hollywood - WORLD
1. Electrical engineer and Entertainers (EE Degree) co-exist symbiotically. You cannot be on TV without some to make one plus your microphone, lights, special effects, cameras.
ACTOR - $20,000,000 for each movie 1 or 2 hours long.
The Engineer DOER - a year and a half with overtime for $65k to $150k (US Dollars)
like some Child Stars
something happens to
Engineers over age 40.
They do not Play-Act
the Old West
(Notice how well put humor in language)
they work in the Future
NEXT car - computer operating system - Fighter to keep ahead of some enemy who is not yet an enemy (Why should they become an enemy? This is actually true. The Pentagon has computer scenarios and plans in case America go to war will Brazil) TAXES.
Captain Kirk:
I had to send a hilarious joke about the short COP TV series "HUNTER" with your curly hair so you would not look like you would BEAM back to you Bridge Game/GIG. I had to route it thru your your CHEEP ticket agent who I think do not forward it to you. I heard something bad about you but "White Christmas" Bing Crosby verbally abused his children like my step-father and my birth mother who said thing like "I HATE you", "I should have had an abortion", "My miscarriage is all your fault" (I was unaware she was pregnant or when she went to the hospital).
When Bureaucracy caused me to drop straight DOWN fast from almost an "A" average to 1.0 = E or Fail out of college Chemistry both "parents" INSULTED me once a day until I wented and walked back and forth in front of the 4 recruiting offices and pick Air Force for training in cased I survived.
I plan a plan to earn the Medal of Honor and live
ironically it was identicate to how "Forest Gump" did in the movie. Living meant I could show the Medal to my step-father who had about 20 medals and patches from World War 2 building bridges for General Patton's tanks. He was tough but like as President of the Eagle Club, but when promoted to manager his former co-worker friends hated him. Drill Sergeant not Leader.
Now another reason for enlisting was that it gave me a choice of military Branch and job. Also if I took a Blue Collar job I would have been drafted for Vietnam before finishing On-the_Job training. For this reason I assumed nobody would hire me and waste money training me.
NO CHOICE in America
Now you know the situation
Here is what my step-father did when he I told him I signed up.
First "Do you really want to go, it's dangerous?"
as if he could stop the Pentagon.
He knew everything. When I had to go into Chicago for my SAT Test to enter college at the University of Illinois I thought the University of Illinois-Chicago Circle was the place.
He said he knew where everything was in Chicago and told me to go the
University of CHICAGO
I got out of the taxi, walked in 20 feet and somebody to me I should be at the
Chicago Circle campus.
The black taxi drive was nice. No charge for the diversion because the $5 (USD) I already gave him was all I had, nothing for a meal until I got home.
Test Test was already on all desks. I grabbed it and in 2 seconds
"Ok you may start"
In War you have to think fast but I assume this is why the college FORCED me into "Liberal" Arts Chemistry instead of the Bachelor of Science Chemical Engineering I wanted so I could make the Pentagons Firecrackers. Like change the color of a Mercedes interior cost $10,000 more this required foreign language classes. Well, I chose Spanish to be simple and save time. But it really took TIME. I had to read a boring Mexican soap opera. Every 3rd word I had to return the dictionary in the back of the book. Every 7th word I did the same but could not find and more time was needed to find it in the big dictionary. When finishing my degree in a different curriculum I could Speed -Read Calculus. However before my Military one page of Spanish tok 15 minutes.
So I read 10 chapters of Organic Chemistry. I had been skipping lecture to study useless Spanish instead of Chemistry to get a job in America.
No Big Deal, I could cross the Rio Grande River and get a job.
But that has changed with TRUMP's WALL.
So TRUMP ignore me but the do not:

VIDEO... https://youtu.be/Dw38kpUnWU0
VIDEO... ( I had to replace the bed mattress bought in the store in 1997....

Also DANCING here I recently discovered is the Director of the Republican Party i her State.

VIDEO with Mormon Tabernacle Choir....

ultralight vehicle by FAA which could weight no more than 253 pound I designed for my heavy 240 pound body). The long wingspan require 2 frontal view which was convenient becasue i could split all the details between 2 drawings. I fail to sell it because it cost too much to build to sell fro 8,000 or less.
Buy for 3.85 US or preview free (do that first to see if you brain smokes)
https://play.google.com > left vertical menu click "Books" > insearch bar type ..the gravity connection. 20 +/- book covers will appear. Mine is in first place at top -left corner. Two books have this title but I think the, a hardback is on Amazon,com

The wooden car in the cover photos is lighter, faster, and more fuel efficient that a Porsche 911
Motor Trend's Car of the Year last a year before rust started, the brake caliper, then add can of oil added almost daily, then after 50,000 miles the engine blew up in a cloud of white smoke. A piston broke in half.
Chevy sometimes mass markets car for the buyers to test instead of testing a few proptypes or samples themselves.

For security you will ot see the possible First Lady a she looks now. Also I will be honest. When she was in the USA before her boyfriend took the picture. The his wife threw her out. The creep uses her photo t scam. she doesn't get anything. I found his name in 3 places in the World. One was too wimpy to be him but one was a real pervert but no photo on Google for my fiancee to ID before someone ...I plead the 5th Amendment. This is one of two photo of her use for fake profiles on Facebook. Another used to be on a Website now out of business. Another is ignored on Myspace after my messages scare the shit out of the creap. He tried to exited Myspace but I did not disconnect so I have maybe some way to get to him.

HUNTING is NOT a SPORT if the GAME does not KNOW it is in the game.
I did not originate this one.
Cher in 1955. Orville M., the former public relations man for Sonny & Cher used to be my morning coffee buddy. I asked Cher if she knew whether he was alive and if so, where. She didn't have the celebrity time to message back "I don't know" or "I don't care".
WOW, but remove the art and you will find little room to live in it.
I know the country and river but not them. But I try to find such routinely. Hundreds like them follow me on Twitter @noseall along with Second Amendment people from a man with a 22 pistol to a girl with a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle.

This is 1 of 3 plans in case I do not reach the Capital.
Affordable luxury homes for retired US Military Veterans.
My first project + our own estate will be on a ranch far from the noisy crowd.
A friend singing one of 2 songs which hit close to me.
Music Video.... https://youtu.be/LI5foGJa7R8
I really need a physical checkup, but i am afraid. This is what my friend told me...
VIDEO... https://youtu.be/vWz9VN40nCA
. The Knowledge of EVIL. Just ASSuming someone is Evil is an Example is Sinning. God told us not to swear in His name because only he can hear our minds.

I don't recall if she died in Afghanistan 1 or 18 years ago. TRUMP did not reply to my out of Afghanistan without loosing as in Vietnam. It must remain secret or my plan will not work. I hope TRUMP doesnot blab what I share with him.

My home.
Scene from 2000 remake of the movie "Poor White Trash",
filmed 300 feet (100 meters) from where i am sitting.


Where was she? Brunei ( The Prince & Princess far above, I could get an introduction and the Sultan migh help with some of the $100,000 fro my Campaign. See how God works in His own way and time?)

Video of Canadian friends above...
I woke up just after 3:00 AM. It is 9:30 PM. I missed my chat with my fiancee 2 days in a row. I must add the rest of the another time
God Bless
Rd Dots locate my followers on the map.
Under this photo in my files the caption is just "Godfather".
My scammers sent it tring to if not fool when I was suspicious, scare me.
Was he the man how called me at 4:00 AM and exchanged DEATH THREATS with me?
I did not know the gang had Mafia contact in Florida at the time.
This is where the Godfather lives...
Another friend on Facebook.
would you believe it?
(Nations with a lot of "Dough")
Can be given here...
I like FREE Interprises
Captain Kirk
does not give FREEBIES to Liberals or Conservatives.
Ihave to Crash somewhere right NOW like this....
Someone call 9/11... no 911 for the First Responders to die.
See how God can manipulate probability?
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