now read this as a history comment, not an acceptance, of the words used.I think people should again learn some history, now many of our age know these facts, but I bet the younger members of our country donot know these facts
The term Nazi, is a term often used to describe the German Army, lets get the real history of that word. My mothers husband was a German soldier, killed in WWII, he was a German soldier, following the governments orders as we all do, and is expected of us, and if we refuse to serve, our punishment is dishonorable discharge or the Brig. Back to the word Nazi, yes they were also soldiers, but what some don’t know they were a member of the Nazi party, which they had to join. As the S.S. and Gestapo
was an organization one had to join, the Nazi’s and the S.S., Gestapo
were monsters, and killers, but do not confuse them with regular German Army troops that followed orders of their officers, just as we do, and in their cases, not following orders could have gotten them executed, jailed, family locked up, as the German Army was watched, and spied upon by the Nazi, and S.S. Now I am not a love of Hitler, or the war he started, but just want you all to know the history of Nazism, and the S.S. or Gestapo, and yes I was born in Germany and lived there my first 4 years of life.
was an organization one had to join, the Nazi’s and the S.S., Gestapo
were monsters, and killers, but do not confuse them with regular German Army troops that followed orders of their officers, just as we do, and in their cases, not following orders could have gotten them executed, jailed, family locked up, as the German Army was watched, and spied upon by the Nazi, and S.S. Now I am not a love of Hitler, or the war he started, but just want you all to know the history of Nazism, and the S.S. or Gestapo, and yes I was born in Germany and lived there my first 4 years of life.
Now look how friendly the Vietnam people are to Americans today. They even help old soldiers find their former fire bases overgrown with vegetation. An online Vietnam visa company connected with me on Myspace. I am sure we buy some of their oil. I know we invest in luxury homes their which are still profitable in spite of one rule. The economy is booming in spite of Communism. Yes the other little neighbors did fall as predicted by our leader, but North Vietnam is not Cambodia or Stalin. It was North Vietnamese tanks that went into the "Killing Fields" of Cambodia to stop it.
WE need to better judge which wars to fight. Now we have a real enemy. The whole world is full of them. The former brave Allies in World War Two have been over-run without a fight except for Poland which was weakest in the World War. Russia knows how to live with them but does have some trouble. It is not the Faith but how it is interpreted. I know how to separate the wheat from the tare, the moderate from the radical, but will not say for that would cause them to remove the vulnerability.
The Bible tells of the 4 Horsemen and it is very coincidental how I came to have this background for my apps page.
It is coincidental that I used this logo long before TRUMP was a household name.
It is a coincidence that I sent TRUMP this "two head" image saying that the world's complex issues needed two minds. Then I realized that it is not molten gold but the "lake of fire below" and the two lions are the two headed beast of Revolation ( so impossible to understand before but so easy now. I only recall the Beast shal be wounded in the head yet live. How can that be humanly possible? Look at it another way. If the first head is sharing his wishes with the second and delegating massive authority to the second head then the second head has the same data an can pretend to rule us / US as the first elected head would have wanted. However the second head has it's own data and wishes too which it will enact disguised as his duty from the first head. I have told you before who the second head is and shown his face.
It is not a coincidence that since Obama and other Liberals have call me one I said "OKAY" and started teaching white kids in the neighborhood how to be run from the non-racists like Opray Winfrey who wants old people who were raised to believe wrongly to die, or Black Lives Matter who want white children and infants killed to genecide our seed.
Yes I am age 70 but still a Warrior and will teach you to Fight
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