On a Star Trek episode "Captain Picard" explained how a fleet of massive starships was paid for. He just hinted at some mysterious economic method that was not Capitalism and not Communism. This has been on the tip of my tongue for a long time, but I am trying to think at the level of what Christ will do when He returns.
Actually it will be quite simple compared to understnding the economy as it works today. The solution is there but I cannot see the forest for the trees. I know step one. All the World's accounts payable and account receivable are just numbers in computers and these numbers can be changed to the words "PAID IN FULL". Then the new economic method would start from scratch with our 19 Trillion dollar debt erased.
I remember when an employer had to spend $25,000 to create a job. I can't imagine how much it is today. I found a young man with the intelligence to give me a dollar amount to be printed without gold backing when another baby is born as "working capital" or "pocket money" to survive as an American or World citizen. That same amount of dollar bills would be burned should the US population drop by one. There would be no inflation or deflation.
On a related subject I simply looked at how expensive it is to replace PVC plumbing with copper pipe. Years before I saw it had come true I thought that the copper in a penny made it cost more to make than it will buy. Yet, no matter how high prices get or even if they charged $5.00 instead of $4.99 for a hamburger once they add sales tax you need a penny.
The simple solution is to up-value the US currency by 100% or reduce all prices by 50%. The President should set a date, maybe midnight at New Year 2019 for the change. There is one modification to pay back ordinary American citizens for losses but I will not say because it would result in hoarding by the rich who can afford to do so and double their money overnight.
If the price of American products was cut in half then the price of oil and Japanese cars would follow suit. When old dollars wore out they would be replace by the Federal Exchange banks with half the amount in new bills with ND on them standing for "New Dollar". I addition the new (ND) $50 bill would have 4 corners. The ND $20 would have one corner cut off at 45 degrees. The ND $10 would be missing 2 corners, the ND $5 would have 3 corners and all the corners would be removed from the ND$1 bill. Why? You can't put corners back on a dollar bill and tell a blind man it's his $50 in change.
I am very poor now, but if certain promises come true I will be very rich. I will be at the minimum level to mingle with the Monaco crowd though I will not waste $100,000,000 for a yacht. I will thus be able to get names of the key people who could either be controlled, imprisoned or killed and thus eliminate the need of civil war inside America or WAR between the major powers or deaths by starvation due to a planned depression. These people have much of their wealth in Swiss numbered accounts but they will give us the numbers if enough pain is applied. They live in such comfort that it wouldn't take much.
There is a need for Capitalism. You can see how it has changed the primative China and all Asia since World War Two, Vietnam and Korea. Capitalism removes the fear of investing in huge projects. However we need to set a limit at which we tell an investor "Your money is no good here". At that limit the government will take over and fund the project with our tax dollars thus making you a stockholder even if too poor to pay taxes. Thsi will prevent some of the rich becoming so powerful that they think of themselves as gods. Remember in ancient mythology there were many gods, some good and some bad. The one common thread was that if you wanted a god to help you you had to give the god something.
WOW, I did not plan this to be so long. I should have blogged it.
See the following video. This little Capitalist god could not Create the beauty of God or the mountains in the background. I could not find the video in which a yacht salesman mentions "keep out the riff-raff" from the yacht show. If your college degree is in engineering instead of business and your family did not introduce you to the "right people" or pay for a quality education and fund your first business so you were never jobless or hungry in your life then you are riff - raff. The WAR we are fighting now is a necessary one but moving back to earlier wars they were fought just to benefit the richest funders of both sides. Vietnam is Communist today Yes, but it cooperates with Capitalism and the resulting modernization in such a short time is amazing. The basic difference is that the State is the stockholder instead of the people, but what the State built benefits the people. Few Vietnamese had money to by one stock so investment was done collectively, a tiny amount from every citizen.
Now some people with yachts do help the poor or sick but they must keep themselves removed for their are so many hungry in the World that to buy a $3.00 meal for all would require 100% of their fortunes. Christ will have a way to feed the people.
I am tired so I am stopping short. Some people are bound to disagree because I have not covered all that is in my mind. If I do get rich and buy a seaside home I hope the ugly thing in this video is not parked in front of my view.
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