The Hamas MAN



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Greetings Governor, please suggest this to Jesse. I am dirt poor now, but am promised an astronominal amount when my future in-law finishes his contract in about 6 months. Therefore to keep up hope I shop for cars. I have decided on a BMW 740 li. However the photo is of a cheaper yet expensive Genesis. Notice it has no provision for a license plate. So the beautiful chromework must be interrupted by a crude cheaply stamped metal plate with miss-matched colors from all 50 States. This has been a problem for decades because government cannot see past their noses. Now, Illinois could be the first State to fix this cosmetic issue. People do not look at the front plate before they are hit or before the crime. They see the rear only if the car speeds away. However there is a tasteful solution which keeps the front plate. First make the front plate 2 inches less high because the sticker does not go on it. "ILLINOIS" in genuine gold plate 1.5 inches high in front and 2.5 inches high in the reat. The numbers and letters should be of readable size and also gold plated. The background should be "piano black" (high gloss) and a half inch gold border should surround it.. The plate numbers do not change to denotr the year as long ago. Only the color of the little stick tells whether your registry is current.. Such a plate would go with any body color and the gold against chrome would be like the "classy" Calibri cigarette light from 60 years ago which was silver plated with a 1/3 inch gold band at the top. There is no chrome usually near the rear plate yet it would look good.. Now gold plate is cheap enough at one atom thick for poor Third World people to cover their huge church domes in gold leaf. So, charge only $15 extra for the plates and do not charge extra for each new sticker just because it goes on a rich person's plate. Less wealthy young guys care about the looks of their racy Mazda 8 or Camaro too. In my case I will not accept delivery of a car if it has the dealer's logo on it which always mismatches the chrome insignia that the manufacturer carefully thought out.. SORRY. FACEBOOK WILL NOT ACCEPT A PHOTO IN THIS MODE.
Please use the links below in order for my office to best assist you.

This is NOT as Tough as I get

I decided to respond to this new LinkedIn connection like I have never addressed a connection before.

This man is in charge of customer retention at DISH Network.  Here are my words pasted ...

  • Chris, I do not go in back of my home where the old Dish antenna is on my power pole. So I did not know that my neighbor had planted a pine the size of a Christmas tree one foot over into his property. It is now huge. For a long time I paid Dish for service I did not receive. because the tree was partially blocking the satellites and there were many long waits as the Dish device tried transponder after transponder.. The former owner never kept his word to remove the tree but the new owner I am sure will allow it but I estimate a cost of $300 for removal. Now I am on a fixed income which is very low. When I shipped back the Dish device they sent me a bill for $15 shipping. I had been a Dish customer for many years and $15 was food money. So they tried to "muscle" me. General Motors tried that too and the Law in Texas knows that I know people there so GM shut up. Your Palatine, IL payment center is only a few miles from where i lived during high school, near the toboggan slides and the race track. Now I am harassed with mail from Dish every day it seems but it is probably twice a month by mail and once when the coupons I use to eat arrive. This is my private mail. I own the mailbox and I do not get any free entertainment for viewing your advertising as I would if viewed on TV. Now Direct TV is also an ass. The advertising President even disguises his junk mail in the size, shape and pastel color of a greeting card envelope. I happen to have followers in California so I gave his address and name asking that my friends FLOOD HIM with hate mail. Now as the retention official, do you think I would get another Dish account after their treatment? I have a tentative figure of $1,500 for postage and $5,000 for printing (and other gimmicks such as the polarized viewing device that the scam GM dealer sent for me to see the "winning" number). That is enough for the little guy who cannot afford broadcast advertising or does not cover that large a territory to get his name out. Howeve big , walk-on-the-People-businesses would be limited to the said junk mail advertising tax deductions as stated. I intend to advise Trump of this. Get some common sense. If a citizen ignores your junk mail once he will probably do it the next time and the next time, wasting our forests for your paper (though the billing dept asks us to go paperless). Finally your channel selections are not comprehensive enough. I cannot look at 200 channels at the same time and I do not want to pay for those I do not use or hate like golf. A 10 or 15 channel selection for $8.00 per month is adequate. I could explain how to pick packages to your executives but I know it is like pulling teeth to get their attention. T-mobile never responded when I mention a ballpark $1 billion per month income for a few million outlay. That is why small business creates most new jobs. They have to think to survive. Now you may remain a connection or if your dainty feelings are hurt you can go.

How to STOP SCAM, ID Theft & Cyber Crime Cold Dead

This Would Be a Change in U.S. Law
It Would Affect the World

No longer would people have to cower behind their security systems and pay an IT team to assure that their computer was not ruined, their data lost, their secrets stolen or privacy invaded.

No longer would the people have to pay the stupid credit bureaus a fee to monitor that no false accounts were opened in some unknowing person's name.  (Ironically a recent breach of one of the credit bureaus endangered people for ID Theft and this would not have happened if the bureau did not exist).

Finally, no longer would the people be so paranoid that they were afraid to do business lest they be scammed.

Step one of the solution is to pass a Law or Amendment creating a FEDERAL Death Penalty, the means of which must be held secret.
However the means would not be the soft lethal injection process.  It might be so extreme that personnel cannot perform it, they can only strap the CRIMINAL into the machine, walk away and flush the remains down the sewer after it is over.  It may or may not be so harsh and a man (not necessarily a judge for they look for prerequisites so they do not have to make a Soloman Decision themselves) to decide the brutality based on the weight of the crime.  Criminals understand the roll of the dice.

The word Federal must be BIGGER than the word State in the criminals' minds.

Roughly derived from the Rico Act against organized crime, crimes subject to the Federal Death Penalty would be those in which we could not catch them all (all of the perpretators) and which affect many even if a relatively small loss.  Tentatively let the Federal Felony level be $50 (50 USD).
Now often offers are made for "free" samples if you just pay delivery.  It's a small bottle of pills shipped the slow way and the sellers probably make profit by over-charging on the shipping and processing.  Laws can be passed forbidding such scams online or on TV.

So let the criminals be paranoid as to which will be caught and pay the price for the many.

Mow I said that this Law would affect the World.
A second part of the Law would state that if a citizen of a country which receives U.S. Aid of any kind conducts a scam, ID Theft or Cyber Crime against an American citizen, then 75% of the American citizen's (or business') loss be deducted to repay the victim.  Since the money went to a citizen of the foreign country the country received the Aid and can take the matter up with their own citizen if they catch him.  Also a foreign country receiving Aid WILL agree to extradition of said criminals to face the American Federal Penalty plus if the foreign Court finds guilt there is no requirement for a second trial in the U.S..  I have not figure yet how to reduce the long Appeals Process but the punishment should happen fast while other criminals still have it fresh in their minds.  4 weeks (20 business days) for thew convict to take care of personal matters is enough.

Now I am sure the West African country of Ghana (the Gold Coast) would be happy to cooperate for the government is struggling against such crime.

For different reasons I believe President Putin of Russia would cooperate too.  America may fertilize it's corn fields with gorgeous women's bodies ( or those of Vodka sluts using stolen images such as that of a Canadian model which hurt my heart.

I know there are loopholes in this plan but I am tired and now you get the jist of how I think.

THE MAJOR PROBLEM IS HOW TO RE-EMPLOY ALL THE IT PEOPLE WHO WOULD NO LONGER BE NEEDED.  One way is to require all electronic devices such as CD players and printer-copiers to be repairable as close to component level as possible in the field.  No longer would the plastic latches snap the case together on the assembly line never to open again until smashed open for recycling of the plastic and the gold in the chips.


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  Please bare with me.  I have only a smartphone to type/typo. Also I asked my friend at the election commission to delete me as a president...