My neighbor is Only in his 30's
He is doing only light work after his attack.

Please pause for 2 minutes and read this: 1. Let’s say it’s 7.25pm and you’re going home (alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job. 2. You’re really tired, upset and frustrated. 3 Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up in to your jaw. You are only about five km from the hospital nearest your home. 4. Unfortunately you don’t know if you’ll be able to make it that far. 5. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy who taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself. 6. HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE? Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. 7. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. 8. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. 9. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!! 10. A cardiologist says If everyone who gets this mail kindly sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we’ll save at least one life. 11. Rather than sending jokes, please... contribute by forwarding this mail which can save a person’s life. 12. If this message comes around you... more than once… please don’t get irritated... You should instead, be happy that you have many friends who care about you & keeps reminding you how to deal with a Heart attack.

How TRUMP fits into GOD'S PLAN

SEE the Difference?

This part of God's Plan is Simple to Guess.
BEFORE the Second Coming
God MUST Prove to 
We the People
that even the Best of Mortal Men
Cannot Rule as 
KING of Kings.
THINK about it,
will the Christ give you a VOTE?
His Father has already told Him
who on Earth He should Delegate His Power to.

green for Big Money,
has promised to KILL ISIS to the last man
Donald also preaches
that should be so,
why can't the Third World be second?
I have envisioned how this can be in detail
while saving American tax dollars
in the process
creating new markets for American goods
in the FORMER Third World
(I do notmean every island tribe of head hunters of course)

Back to Christ verses Trump
Christ "looks" Passive & Weak
compared to Trump,
He Shall Return
wearing a Golden Belt of Authority
with "a Sword in His mouth"
meaning that just as He raised the Dead with a Word from His mouth
He can make you
Dead with a Word from His mouth.
His and Our Father in Heaven
Shall Guide the Christ
in who is Evil (as opposed to a common sinner) and MUST be
in order for Christ to 
for the first time since Eden!
Yes, Christ can protect Himself
for Man to be "safe" without Armies or Law Enforcement
Especially the Leaders
be they
Godfathers, Kings, Libtards, Media Liars, Thugs, Scammers, ID Thieves, Cyber Criminals (pedophiles can be cured) or anybody who has sold his Soul for Riches at the Expense of his Fellow Man.

Power Corrupts ALL
but the

Yes Jesus will actually KILL.
Why else the Sword?
However it will be PAINLESS
without FEAR
because it will be like
trying to recall your last thought before falling asleep last night.

Jesus is NOT the Punishment,
that is God's prerogative in

Thank you & God Bless

THINK about it.

TRUMP'S SITUATION in PICTURES Update: I was wrong. Now I THINK it shall be "the CHOSEN ONE's" Second Presidency / COMING.

Donald is known to contradict his own words on difficult issues.

It's what you do when "Soul Searching"

Donald Needs Help with his Burden.

I could do that but there is another Greater than me.

has the
to look the
DEVIL in the EYE

But  the 
to who the Antichrist is.


That POWER is 
the Power of We the People
who elected the 
but NOT 
His Chief Adviser..
Donald will try to return 
Power to the People
he will do it throughthe Corporate World...
From BIG Government to BIG Business from which you get your jobs and the necessities of Life.

Now TRUMP'S Chief Adviser is also a Billionaire Businessman and in perfect position to rule over the Corporate World.  He even owns the technology for the 666 "Mark".

So here is what Trump has on his shoulders

So, Prophesy states that Lucifer shall be "Given" Power as I stated above.  He knows Donald's agenda and will continue it through corporate means while adding his own agenda in the guise of being part of Donald's plan.

These are the "Two Heads of the Beast"
Notice that the LIONS" color is the same as the Golden Lake of Fire and one head is above but smaller than the one rising from the lake.

Now hers is the SAD part.
Prophesy is that the Beast shall suffer a Wound to the Head and yet Survive.

Well Donald himself may not survive but his plans will through the Second Head who knows the plans intimately.

Satan will simply continue on ( in spite of Vice President Pence) with the First Head's plan.

The WARNING SIGN will be when Trump moves more authority into Private and Corporate Business.

Donald said that he took the job for the People and America which had given him a good life.  I can do nothing to stop his 

I Hope my Words here are...

Equator - Rivers of the Sun - Amazonia HOW TO SAVE IT

How the World can Save the Amazon

Calling All Retirees and Winter Home Seekers.

It's a Jungle and Land Should Be Cheap.

So just because you own 100 or 500 acres of the Amazon Rain Forest you only need tamper with 1.5 to 5.0 acres for your home.

Roads would require only a small percentage of the land for with 500 acres your neighbor would be a mile away and the roads would be separated by a mile.

If you are retired with grown children, why cut down trees for an empty school or pay taxes for it?

Homes should be within 1/8 mile of the road to cut the cost of running the electric power lines (No cooking with gas except from propane tanks for the whole house which needs no heat.

An iron bar fence just around the main house and yard  with no over-hanging tree branches would keep out the Jaguar and ways can be found to make insects detour the residence.

Small "community" 1/2 x 1/2 mile villages would provide grocery shopping and the manager would work FOR the "community" to buy at the best price.  It might be a 40 mile drive to shop for rarely bought items like furniture and televisions and 75 miles to buy a car.  Movie Theaters are not needed for each home would have a small theater (projection or wide screen UHD TV)

I heard that in spite of the equitorial Sun under the shade of the Rain Forest Canopy the temperature is 70 to 80 degrees and this temperature effect would cross your small residential clearing.  The air is just VERY HUMID but all you need do is cool the house (air condition it 5 degrees F or just use a dehumidifier).

There are other details to plan for like trails into your unused land to ponds and waterfalls if near the Andes Mountains for which you could hire Native Guides and use hand signals to back up in case of a big snake, etc.  Perhaps just playing music from a portable device would keep animals cautiously at bay but cose enough to observe.

WHY BUY 500 ACRES to mainly live on a few??

Even if you do not walk on every square foot of your PROPERTY anywhere in the World nobody has the right to come onto your land and cut down a tree without your permission and that of any "community" or government you set up.  Enforcement of this could be contracted from whatever Country claims that part of the Amazon.

So Clear Cutting to make way for grassland to raise unneeded cattle or most any other purpose would END FOREVER.

Clear 1% of the Forest to Save 99%

You won't have to be rich to live in a Tropical Paradise.

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  Please bare with me.  I have only a smartphone to type/typo. Also I asked my friend at the election commission to delete me as a president...